
鲜味爆炸的蔬菜汤 原来健康素食也可以那么好吃

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汤底只需要两种材料,而且不用长时间炖煮,三十分钟内搞定。试了你会发现,用天然食材调出的鲜味可是味精等人造鲜味剂无法企及高度! This vegetarian soup with eggplant and pumpkin is easy to make, and loaded with amazing aromas! The secreat is the classic Japanese soup base, dashi, made with kelp and katsuobushi. Even though it only contains 2 ingredients, dashi can be the basis of many umami rich dishes. The vegetables in the soup are cooked till tender, and fully absorbed the umami in dashi. I am a meat lover, but this vegetarian soup definitely satisfied me.


鲜味爆炸的蔬菜汤 原来健康素食也可以那么好吃的做法步骤

步骤 1

锅中倒水加入干昆布,浸泡三小时或冷藏过夜。开中火加热,在出现密集小气泡、水即将煮开的时候取出昆布 (约10分钟)。提前浸泡可以更好地释放昆布的鲜味,但直接煮也是可以的! Place kombu with water in a saucepan. Soak for 3 hours, or overnight in the fridge. Cook over medium heat, remove kombu right before water starts to boil (around 10 minutes). Soaking kombu helps release flavours, but is not mandatory.

步骤 2

加入柴鱼片,煮沸后继续滚30秒到一分钟,关火 Add dried bonito flakes, bring to a boil and continue cooking for 30-60 seconds, then remove from heat

步骤 3

用细孔滤网过滤掉固体和杂质,基础高汤完成。 Strain the dashi through a fine-mesh sieve

步骤 4

高汤倒回锅内煮开,加入切小块的茄子、南瓜,以及调味料。沸腾后转中小火煮10-15分钟即可。尝尝味道,可按自己喜好做最后调味。 Transfer dashi to the sauce pan, bring to a boil, add bite-sized eggplant, pumpkin, and seasoning. Once liquid comes to a boil, switch to medium-low heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Before serving, taste it, adjust seasoning to your liking.

步骤 5


步骤 6
步骤 6

更多双语菜谱在gzh 秋秋的日常食记

鲜味爆炸的蔬菜汤 原来健康素食也可以那么好吃的小贴士

干昆布不用冲洗,表面的白色粉末是昆布在晒干过程中释出的天然甘露醇(Mannitol),也是鲜甜味道的美味密码。 昆布一定要在水即将滚而没有完全滚的时候取出,避免产生苦涩味道。 柴鱼片别名:鲣鱼干片、木鱼花、鲣节。章鱼小丸子顶上的那些就是。 菜谱的汤底是基础日式高汤(dashi, 出汁)的一种,很百搭,可以用来做日式锅物、亲子丼、味噌汤等等。

菜谱创建时间:2022-01-13 12:19:25