
家常快手炒面(意面版)Chinese Stir Fry Pasta.

288人浏览 10人收藏 1人做过
作者: Viv见薇知煮
这是一道土味西餐哈哈,疫情期间家里囤了太多意面,西餐也就偶尔吃吃,最后发现还是中餐做法炒着吃格外美味。而且意面凉了不容易坨,所以煮完再炒不用担心像普通面条粘在一起。 This recipey could feed 5 hungry men. 我这里给的方子够五六个人吃的饱饱,仅供参考。 称量:1小勺=5ml,1大勺=15ml, 1杯=240ml。


家常快手炒面(意面版)Chinese Stir Fry Pasta.的做法步骤

步骤 1

任意形状的意大利面按照包装上的说明煮好,放在露水的筐里滤去多余水份。For any type of pasta, boil it based on instruction on the package. Drain the extra water away.

步骤 2

任意你喜欢的蔬菜,洗好切好同样沥干水份。这里蔬菜最好选择含水量比较低的,比如豆角,洋白菜,绿豆芽,很嫩的菜后面会缩得很厉害。Chop the cabbage or other vegetable which does not contain too much water. Otherwise they shrink too much after stir fry.

步骤 3

猪肉/牛肉/羊肉肉末化冰。猪肉比较腥,可以加少量料酒和白胡椒去腥。 add cooking vine or white pepper to ground pork to hide the smell. Could skip this for ground beef.

步骤 4

开中大火倒入色拉油,加入肉末炒干。Turn on the heat to medium high and put the oil then ground meat in. Stir fry for 3-5 min.

步骤 5

加入蔬菜大概炒一下。 add the vege and stir fry for 2 minutes.

步骤 6
步骤 6

放入面条,如果已经粘在一起可以分分开。 add the cooked pasta into the pot.

步骤 7

加入生抽和老抽。因为吃的人多,我做了这个方子的双倍量,分了两个大锅一起炒的。Add the soy source and dark soy source.

步骤 8

用筷子和铲子把面条拉起来充分搅拌。尝尝盐味,按照个人口味加盐。就可以吃啦😃 不过宁可淡了别咸了,淡了可以吃的时候放辣椒酱和醋。Mix it well. Tast and decide if you want to add more salt. It is better to be light than too salty. Since you could add black vinegar for more taste.

步骤 9

装盘香菜或者葱花装饰,美美哒~Before serve, Add chopped green onion or cilantro on top for decoration.

步骤 10

吃的时候按口味加醋和辣椒酱~ 真的非常香!🤤 Add black vinegar and spicy source if perfered! yummy!

家常快手炒面(意面版)Chinese Stir Fry Pasta.的小贴士

这是一道土味西餐哈哈,疫情期间家里囤了太多意面,西餐也就偶尔吃吃,最后发现还是中餐做法炒着吃格外美味。而且意面凉了不容易坨,所以煮完再炒不用担心像普通面条粘在一起。 This recipey could feed 5 hungry men. 我这里给的方子够五六个人吃的饱饱,仅供参考。 称量:1小勺=5ml,1大勺=15ml, 1杯=240ml。

菜谱创建时间:2020-04-13 03:44:51