准备食材。 Prepare the ingredients.
秋葵放入盐水里浸泡一会儿。 Soak okra in salted water for a while.
锅内烧开水后放入秋葵快速灼热2分钟即可捞出,放入冰水中浸泡片刻。 Boil water in the pot, then add the okra and quickly blanch for 2 minutes. Take it out and soak it in ice water for a while.
秋葵切段摆盘。 Cut the okra into sections and arrange them on a plate.
葱切圈,姜蒜切成末。 Slice the onion into rings, and dice the ginger and garlic.
调料汁:加入适量的生抽、香醋、蒸鱼鼓油和芝麻油搅拌均匀。 Soy sauce, vinegar, steamed fish sauce, and sesame oil should be added in the right amount and mixed well.
将料汁淋浇在秋葵上即可享受美味! Pour the sauce over the okra and enjoy the deliciousness!