
Korean Soy Braised Eggs 韩式酱油蛋

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作者: daisy的笔记


Korean Soy Braised Eggs 韩式酱油蛋的做法步骤

步骤 1

Place eggs gently in a pan and cover with water. Add one tablespoon of white vinegar to the water, to help with peeling. 鸡蛋放入锅中,加水满过鸡蛋,加入一大勺白醋,可使鸡蛋容易剥开。

步骤 2

Bring the pan with eggs to a oil, then cover and turn off the heat. Leave the eggs to stand this way for 5 minutes. They will be half-cooked. 将鸡蛋煮开后,关火,盖上盖子焖5分钟至鸡蛋半熟。

步骤 3

Carefully peel the eggs under cold running water, making sure not to damage te exterior.在水龙头冷水下边冲边剥,尽量不要剥坏外表。

步骤 4

Place all other ingredients in a pan and bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer. Place the peeled eggs gently into the simmering liquid. 将所有材料放入锅中烧开后关小火,将剥好的鸡蛋轻轻放入酱汁。

步骤 5

Allow the eggs to simmer for 10-15 minutes, rotating them occasionally so they braise evenly. 让鸡蛋在酱汁中小火煮约10-15分钟,中间不时地将蛋翻面让鸡蛋均匀地上色。

步骤 6
步骤 6

Allow the eggs to cool off in the liquid. Serve cold, sliced in half. 让鸡蛋在酱汁中冷却,切半摆盘,洒上芝麻装饰。

步骤 7

To store, keep eggs refrierated in the braising liquid.也可以将鸡蛋浸泡在酱汁中放冰箱吃时取出。

菜谱创建时间:2018-04-27 11:36:28