
【健康餐】ASIAN-STYLE BREAKFAST(binda valley rolled oats)亚洲风味萝卜干早餐燕麦咸粥

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作者: 一颗圆生菜
这款麦片是【企鹅吃喝指南】推荐的一款麦片 是压制的Rolled oats,原产国澳大利亚 作为日常早餐的碳水来源还是不错的 有时间补充一下常见的燕麦分类 包装袋的背面附上了两种燕麦做法 歪果仁眼中的Asian-style breakfast也是有趣 吃多了牛奶+燕麦的组合 偶尔换换口味也不错!


【健康餐】ASIAN-STYLE BREAKFAST(binda valley rolled oats)亚洲风味萝卜干早餐燕麦咸粥的做法步骤

步骤 1

Bring water to boil,add Binda Valley Rolled Oats.Lower temperature and simmer uncovered for 5 minutes.Remove from heat and cover. 将锅里的水烧开,加入宝德谷麦片,小火不加盖煮5分钟,然后关火加盖焖。

步骤 2

Heat Oil in large fry pan. 煎锅里倒植物油,加热。

步骤 3

Over Medium heat lightly toast peanuts in oil until golden brown. 中火轻微的加热直至花生米变成金棕色

步骤 4

Add Radish,Dry Bean Curd,Soy Sauce,Chilli and Spring Onion to toasted peanuts and fry for 5-7 minutes or until cooked on low heat.Remove rom heat. 将萝卜干,豆腐干,酱油,辣椒粉和洋葱加入焙烤过的花生米,煎5-7分钟

步骤 5

Prepare 4 bowls of cooked oats and four bowls of the Radish Mix to accompany. 准备4只碗,放入做好的燕麦,配上刚才的萝卜干混合物。

步骤 6
步骤 6

Note:if a softer oat is desired,in step 1 continue to simmer until desired texture obtained. 如果喜欢口感更软一些的燕麦,步骤1中维持即将沸腾的状态,直到达到需要的口感和组织。

【健康餐】ASIAN-STYLE BREAKFAST(binda valley rolled oats)亚洲风味萝卜干早餐燕麦咸粥的小贴士


菜谱创建时间:2016-05-10 22:30:06