

84人浏览 0人做过
作者: 漫食慢语
蛋糕最早起源于西方,后来才慢慢传入中国。最早的蛋糕是用几样简单的材料做出来的,这些蛋糕是古老宗教神话与奇迹式迷信的象征。早期的经贸路线使异国香料由远东向北输入,坚果、花露水、柑橘类水果、枣子与无花果从中东引进,甘蔗则从东方国家与南方国家进口。 戚风是典型的打发式蛋糕,以打发的蛋清来提供蛋糕蓬松的基础。大致的做法就是将蛋黄和面粉等其他原料拌成蛋黄糊,然后将蛋清打发,再将两者结合在一起就好了。而要将两者很好地结合在一起,使最后的面糊细腻均匀又不消泡,关键在于使蛋黄糊和打发蛋清保持的质地和密度。



步骤 1


步骤 2

蛋黄蛋白分开Egg yolk protein fraction

步骤 3

面粉过筛三遍Sieve the flour three times.

步骤 4

蛋黄和白糖放一起用搅拌机搅拌Put the egg yolk and sugar together and stir with a blender.

步骤 5

搅拌到转白色分五次加入食用油和椰奶浆Stir until it turns white, and add cooking oil and coconut milk slurry five times.

步骤 6
步骤 6

打成这样加入面粉Beat it like this and add flour.

步骤 7

像视频一样搅拌均匀Stir well like a video.

步骤 8

搅拌到这样就放一边去打蛋白Stir until it's like this. Put it aside and beat the egg whites.

步骤 9

大的时候加几滴柠檬汁,没有加醋也可以Add a few drops of lemon juice when it is big, and you can do it without vinegar.

步骤 10

步骤 11

打发成这样带勾状就可以了Just send it like this with a hook.

步骤 12

把打好的蛋白分三分之二和蛋黄糊搅拌均匀Mix the beaten egg whites into two thirds and egg yolk paste evenly.

步骤 13

加适量斑斓液Add a proper amount of colorful liquid.

步骤 14

搅拌好了放到模具里面Stir well and put it in the mold.

步骤 15

步骤 16

180℃预热十分钟,烤四十分钟Preheat at 180℃ for 10 minutes and bake for 40 minutes.

步骤 17

烤好后关火五分钟倒扣过来,再放烤箱等它凉了就脱模。After baking, turn off the fire for five minutes and back it up, then put it in the oven and let it cool before demoulding.

步骤 18

我的不够冷却脱模的时候不平整。Mine is not cool enough, and it is uneven when demoulding.

菜谱创建时间:2023-08-06 21:11:20