制作面团,能拉出薄膜。 Make the dough.
分出8个面团并揉圆,每个约重125g。 揉圆的面团包好进行第一次发酵, 24度室温下40min,再放入冷藏(5度)二十分钟取出,回温十五分钟后开始整形。 Divide the dough in eight pieces weighing 125g each , wrapped in plastic bag. First fermentation under 24 degrees Celsius for 40min, then fridge the dough (approx. 5 degrees Celsius) for 20min, before taking out to warm up 15min and shape.
将面团擀成牛舌状(20cm长* 10cm宽) , 翻面将芝士片和火腿肠放在面团上端,卷起到中间,另一端再卷一根火腿肠,翻面在表面刷水,在盆中倒入芝士粉, 放入面团表面沾满芝士粉。 Roll the dough to a tongue - shape(20*10), flip the dough and place 1/2 slice of cheese & 1/2 piece of sausage on the upper end, turn the other end and place on the dough the same portion of cheese and sausage, then roll up from both end, flip again and on surface brush a layer of water, before dipping the dough to cover it with cheese powder .
整形后进行第二次发酵- 醒发箱温度30湿度80度, 50分钟发酵至两倍大。发酵完毕取出码放在烤盘上,米字形或菠萝包状割包,在割包缝隙处挤上沙拉酱,放入已经预热好的烤箱进行烘烤,上下火200/180度,烤8+2分钟。烤完后放烤架晾凉,对角线切开,抹上大蒜酱,完成。 The 2nd fermentation will last 50min inside the Fermenting Box, setting the temperature 30 degrees Celsius and humidity as 80 degree, to a size twice as big. Then cutting the surface in X shape and squeezing the salad sauce onto the cutting gap, before putting in the preheated oven to bake 8+2mins under 200/180 degrees Celsius. Take out the breads and cool down completely,then by diagonal line cutting the breads in half, spreading the garlic sauce onto the cutting slice. The end.
补充步骤- 大蒜酱的做法- 将荷兰芹和大蒜打成泥,加入盐,和室温软化的黄油搅打融合成大蒜酱。 Supplement- The garlic sauce- Blend the garlic and parsley in the food processor to liquidize the mixture, then beat with the softened butter to mix well.