
抹茶布丁(Matcha Pudding)

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The benefits of matcha lovers are here! Matcha pudding is a favorite of matcha enthusiasts. This recipe doesn’t contain any cream, butter or high calorie ingredients and is definitely low in calories. After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this Matcha Pudding. 抹茶控的福利来啦! 好吃不胖,入口即化,软嫩Q弹的抹茶布丁简直就是抹茶控的最爱。 本食谱无添加任何的奶油、黄油以及高热量原料,绝对低卡哦~ 学会了记得分享哦!有什么不懂的地方或者是疑问都是非常欢迎大家在评论区询问的,看到了一定及时回复。希望大家喜欢这款抹茶布丁哦~


抹茶布丁(Matcha Pudding)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备所需的工具。Prepare all the tools. 1. 滤网 2. 100ml布丁杯(4个) 3. 电动打蛋器 4. 手动打蛋器 5. 电子秤 6. 奶锅/不粘锅的锅 1. Sieve 2. 100ml Pudding molds (4 pieces) 3. Electric beater 4. Hand beater 5. Electronic scale 6. A milk pan/non-stick pan

步骤 2

准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。 Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.

步骤 3

将称好的6克抹茶粉和15克(15毫升)的凉开水倒入一个没有任何杂质的容器中。⚠️ 新手注意啦!!!一定不能用热水来溶解抹茶粉,热水会导致抹茶粉成块状,是溶解不了的。 Pour 6 grams of matcha powder and 15 grams of drinking water into a container free of impurities. Novice Attention!! Do not use hot water to dissolve the matcha powder. Hot water will cause the powder to form into clumps.

步骤 4

用小勺子将抹茶粉和凉开水搅拌均匀成糊状。手法随意!搅拌均匀的抹茶糊放旁边备用。 Mix the matcha powder and drinking water with a small spoon until smooth. The technique is optional! Stir well and set aside.

步骤 5

将称好的280克脱脂牛奶和15克零卡糖(代糖)倒入一个无水无油的容器中。 Pour 280 grams of skimmed milk and 15 grams of stevia into a waterless, oil-free container.

步骤 6
步骤 6

将容器放入一个加满热水的盆中,隔水加热搅拌至零卡糖在牛奶中完全融化。在搅拌的过程中,千万要小心,别让牛奶中混入热水。 Place the container in a bowl filled with hot water. Heat over water and stir until the stevia has melted completely in the milk. While stirring, be careful not to mix the milk with hot water.

步骤 7

将准备好的一片半的吉利丁片放入冷水中泡软,大概需要4-5分钟。⚠️注意:一定要注意吉利丁片在水中软的程度,以免吉利丁片泡过头,融化在水中了。 Place 7.5 grams of gelatin in cold water to soften, about 4-5 minutes. Note: Be sure to note how soft the gelatin is in the water so that it doesn't over-softened and melt in the water.

步骤 8

将泡软的吉利丁片加入到牛奶中,搅拌至吉利丁片完全融化。搅拌的过程还是需要非常小心,不然热水很容易就流进牛奶中了。搅拌均匀后就可以将牛奶从盆中拿出来了哦~ Add the softened gelatin to the milk and stir until the gelatin has completely melted. You still need to be very careful, because the hot water can easily run into the milk.

步骤 9

将抹茶糊倒入牛奶中,搅拌均匀。建议:用手动打蛋器搅拌,那样搅拌的会相对更均匀。 Pour the matcha batter into the milk and stir well. Suggestion: Stir with a manual beater, as it will mix relatively evenly.

步骤 10

过滤喽!!!个人比较推荐在搅拌完之后,过滤一下布丁液,这样做出来的布丁会更加细腻,口感也会更加绵密。如果选择不过滤的话,布丁液里可能会存在一些还没有融化的吉利丁片,这样就会大大影响布丁的口感了。 Filter!! I would recommend that you strain the pudding mixture after you have stirred it. This will make the pudding more delicate and dense. If you choose not to filter, there may be some unmelted gelatin in the pudding, which will greatly affect the taste of the pudding.

步骤 11

将准备好的蜜豆分别放入四个布丁杯中,但是别全部用完,还剩一点蜜豆在最后放在布丁上做装饰。 Divide 25 grams into four pudding cups, but don't use all of them. Leave a little of the peas to garnish the pudding at the end.

步骤 12

分别在四个布丁杯中倒入过滤好的布丁液,放入冰箱冷藏3个小时以上就可以吃了!!! Pour the filtered pudding mixture into four cups and refrigerate for at least 3 hours before serving!!

步骤 13

上成品喽!!! Finally, there is the final product.

步骤 14

这款抹茶布丁的总热量是208千卡,一共四份布丁,平均下来一个抹茶布丁只有52千卡哦~算是非常低卡路里的甜品了。减肥人士一天吃1-2个是完全没有任何负担的。这款布丁用料少,做法简单,还健康美味。 The matcha pudding has a total of 208 calories for four servings, on average, a matcha pudding is only 52 calories, which is considered a very low-calorie dessert. Dieters who eat 1-2 servings a day have absolutely no burden. This is a simple, healthy and delicious pudding made from very few ingredients.

步骤 15

这款低糖低脂的抹茶布丁对患有糖尿病的人是非常友好的,在嘴馋想吃甜品的时候,吃一份是完全没有问题的。不过在选材上,患有糖尿病的人最好还是更加的注意一点。就比如可以把脱脂奶换成全脂牛奶,因为全脂奶中含有的碳水化合物比脱脂奶中的大概少1.4g/.ml。至于蜜豆的话,最好还是少加一点,毕竟蜜豆中含有的糖分也是不容小视的。 This low sugar, low fat matcha pudding is very friendly to people with diabetes and is perfectly fine to have a serving when craving dessert. However, people with diabetes have to paying more attention on the use of ingredients. For example, switch from skimmed milk to whole milk, which contains about 1.4g/.ml less carbohydrate than skimmed milk. As for the red beans, it is better to add a little less, after all, red beans contain sugar is not to be underestimated.

抹茶布丁(Matcha Pudding)的小贴士

1. 冷藏后的抹茶布丁杯底会出现沉淀,看见后,不要慌张,不要自我怀疑失败了,因为这是冷藏后的正常现象。 There will be precipitation at the bottom of the matcha pudding cup after refrigeration. After seeing it, don't panic and don't doubt that it has failed, because this is the normal phenomenon after refrigeration. 2. 材料表中的克数并不是硬性的,材料的克数出现1-2克的偏差是完全没有问题的。 The number of grams in the recipe table does not have a rigid requirement, and there is no problem with a deviation of one or two grams. 3. 抹茶粉的克数也是可以调整的,本人比较喜欢浓一点的抹茶味,所以粉加的比较多,如果想要淡一点的抹茶味也是可以将克数减少的哦~如果想要吃可可味的布丁,就把抹茶粉换成可可粉就可以了,除此之外,配方不变! The grams of matcha powder can be adjusted. I prefer the strong taste of matcha, so I add more powder. If I want a weak taste of matcha, I can also reduce the grams. If you want a cocoa pudding, just replace the matcha powder with cocoa powder. Otherwise, the recipe stays the same! 5. 牛奶和冷开水的比例可以根据个人喜好修改,如果想要布丁奶味能浓郁一点,就不加冷开水,或是只加一点点,如5克的冷开水。但如果想要奶味淡一点的话,就可以加多一点冷开水,减少牛奶的克数。但是一定要记住,牛奶的克数一定要比冷开水多。 The ratio of milk to drinking water can be changed according to your preference. If you want a more intense taste of pudding milk, do not add drinking water, or just a little, such as 5 grams of drinking water. But if you want a milder flavor, you can add more drinking water to reduce the number of grams of milk. But remember, milk must be contained more than drinking water

菜谱创建时间:2020-10-10 19:10:15