面粉加糖、酵母、温水和面,至无干粉,上手揉成光滑的面团,盖上保鲜膜发酵只两倍大,大约一个小时。(夏天温度高,不到一小时也可以) Mix flour, white sugar, yeast and warm water, knead to smooth dough. And give the dough to rise.
趁着发酵的时候,开始调麻酱。麻酱加十三香、盐、油搅拌均匀。(调的时候要比平时咸一些,面会吸收一些盐,这样做出来的烧饼才有味,否则烧饼就会特别淡,别问我是怎么知道的🤣) Mix sesame paste, salt, thirteen-spices and peanut oil together. Please be generous with salt!
准备好一碗白水、一碗白芝麻 One bowl of cold water, one bowl of white sesame.
发酵好的面团,揉光滑,均匀分成8份。 Take out the well risen dough and slice into eight dough.
拿出一个剂子,擀成饼,放上一小勺麻酱。 Take one dough, rolling into pastry with rolling pin, and put some mixed sesame paste on it.
可以用刮刀或者直接用勺背儿抹匀。在二分之一处切一下。 Make sure the pastry all covered with the sesame paste. Cut it as the picture above.
从一边开始卷起,把头尾捏紧,轻轻按成饼状(不用按太薄)。 Follow the video, rolling the pastry from one side to the the end. Press the pastry gently.
把饼的一面,先沾一层水,再沾一层白芝麻。 Make one side of pastry cover water and sesame.
用擀面杖轻轻擀两下,不用擀太薄。 Rolling gently again.
平底锅刷油,放入饼,用刷子给每一个饼表面刷一层油,以免干燥,小火煎至变色。 Add some oil into hot pan, put the pastry, brush oil on the pastry and cook in low heat.
两面煎至上色,芝麻那一面煎的稍微短一些,否则芝麻就糊了😂 Flip one side to another occasionally until it is well cooked.
出锅,开吃!吃不完的可以放冰箱冷藏,可以夹上鸡蛋、火腿、生菜等,丰富的早餐就搞定了。 Enjoy yourself😋
1⃣️和面要用温水,水的多少自己调整。 Make dough with warm water( about 40°C) . Water is adjustable. 2⃣️麻酱调的咸一些,不用担心饼会咸!!! Be generous with salt.