
万圣节蜘蛛曲奇 Spooky Spider Snacks

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这是前几年为万圣节做的蜘蛛造型曲奇,暂时叫它Spooky Spider Snacks吧。之前给朋友写过方子,现分享到平台上。期待大家的指教。 祝烘焙愉快! ---- 以下用料可做16块曲奇。 Serving: 16 cookies


万圣节蜘蛛曲奇 Spooky Spider Snacks的做法步骤

步骤 1

Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg until smooth. 黄油软化后加白糖搅打至松软。 加入鸡蛋,打发均匀。

步骤 2

Add peanut butter and mix until creamy. 加入花生酱,搅拌至细腻顺滑。

步骤 3

Gradually sift in cake flour, baking powder, and baking soda together. Stir until evenly blended. 缓缓筛入粉类(面粉、泡打粉、小苏打)。 持续搅拌至混合均匀。

步骤 4

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees C. Roll the dough into walnut sized balls and place on greased cookie sheets. Flatten (a little) each cookie with a large fork or spoon dipped in sugar or flour. Finally use one mylike to press gently on each cookie to make a hole shape. 预热烤箱至180摄氏度。把面团搓成核桃大小的球状,放在刷过油的烘焙纸上。 用沾了白糖/面粉(否则会粘住叉/勺)的大叉子或勺子的背部将小球正面稍稍压平。 最后用麦丽素在每块饼干上轻轻按压出一个小洞的形状。

步骤 5

Bake for 18 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven. 在预热过的烤箱中烘焙18-20分钟。

步骤 6
步骤 6

Allow cookies to cool for several minutes. Add mylikes onto the top when cookies are still warm. Press gently so that they won’t fall off. 出箱后让曲奇在烤架上稍微冷却至不烫。 但是要趁着曲奇还温热时,把麦丽素加上去。 轻轻按压,以保证不掉落。

步骤 7

Put cracked white chocolate into an icing bag and melt in warm water. Melt the dark chocolate in the same way. Cut a small opening on tip of the bags. Use white chocolate for eyeballs and dark chocolate for legs. Finally use a toothpick dipped in dark chocolate to make eye pupils. 把白巧克力掰碎放进裱花袋/保鲜袋里,隔水加热。 黑巧克力也照做。 在袋口剪一个用来裱花的小口,挤白巧克力画两个眼球,挤黑巧克力画八条腿。 最后用牙签蘸黑巧克力点瞳孔。

步骤 8

Hooray! 傻傻的万圣节蜘蛛曲奇完成啦!

步骤 9


万圣节蜘蛛曲奇 Spooky Spider Snacks的小贴士

P.S. Actually you can use other sugar cookies to decorate if you don't want peanut butter cookies. I think the spider goes with all kinds of cookies, haha. 这个饼干吸睛的地方是//麦丽素+白巧+黑巧//打造的小蜘蛛。至于曲奇本身,如果你不喜欢花生酱的话,完全可以换成其他口味的,哈哈。

菜谱创建时间:2020-04-22 11:04:29