
牛油曲奇&巧克力曲奇Butter Cookies & Chocolate Cookies

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作者: ada123410
香浓牛油曲奇酥脆可口,加入可可粉或可可豆,就变成了巧克力曲奇~非常适合在家中动手制作~~The fragrant butter cookie is crispy and delicious. Adding cocoa powder or cocoa beans, it becomes a chocolate cookie ~ very suitable for making at home ~~


牛油曲奇&巧克力曲奇Butter Cookies & Chocolate Cookies的做法步骤

步骤 1

将奶油倒入盆内,以电动打蛋器搅拌奶油呈乳状Pour the cream into the basin and stir the cream with an electric whisk to make it milky

步骤 2

加入糖后,拌匀After adding sugar, mix well

步骤 3

蛋液分2-3次倒入拌勻Pour the egg liquid 2-3 times mix well

步骤 4

低筋面粉过筛后加入Add low gluten flour after sieving

步骤 5

以矽胶抹刀拌匀成为面团Mix with a silicone spatula to make dough

步骤 6
步骤 6

将面团分一半加入已过筛的可可粉,以抹刀拌匀Add half of the dough to the sifted cocoa powder and mix well with a spatula

步骤 7

以汤匙将面团拨入烤盘后,将烤盘放入已预热的烤箱,180度烤20分钟After spooning the dough into the baking tray, place the baking tray in the preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes

步骤 8

出烤箱后置凉,放入密封盒内保存即可After leaving the oven, put it in a cool place and store it in a sealed box.

步骤 9


牛油曲奇&巧克力曲奇Butter Cookies & Chocolate Cookies的小贴士

可以在容器内放入食品用干燥剂保持饼干酥脆 參考Bread and Pastry recipe ch10 p.414 可以加入可烘焙的巧克力豆一起烤 You can put food desiccant in the container to keep the biscuits crisp. Refer to Bread and Pastry recipe ch10 p. 414. You can add roastable chocolate beans and bake together

菜谱创建时间:2020-04-13 20:46:57