将烤箱设置200度进行预热。Preheat the oven at 200 degrees.
预热烤箱的同时,将低筋面粉、鸡蛋(提前打匀)、牛奶、白糖、盐放入容器中搅拌均匀。While preheating the oven, mix well the low gluten flour, eggs (stir well in advance), milk, sugar and salt into the container.
烤箱预热约5分钟后,将黄油放入准备装松饼的碗中(我的碗的直径大约20CM),将碗推入烤箱继续预热。After the oven has been preheated for about 5 minutes, put the butter in a bowl (mine is about 20cm in diameter) that is ready to be filled with muffins, and put the bowl into the oven to continue preheating.
烤箱预热结束,戴上手套取出碗,将打匀的混合奶液倒入碗中。After finishing preheat, put on gloves, take out the bowl, and pour the mixed liquid into the bowl.
将碗重新放入烤箱,200度烤20分钟。可以看到荷兰松饼在拼命长高。Put the bowl back into the oven and bake at 200 ℃ for 20 minutes. (You can see that muffin is desperately growing:))))
时间到,取出碗,稍凉后加上酸奶及水果,撒糖粉(也可以加一些蜂蜜)。After the oven finishes heating, take out the bowl, cool it a little, add yogurt and fruit, sprinkle sugar powder (or add some honey). Enjoy!❤️