
糖桂花山药chinese yam with sweet osmanthus sauce

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作者: GaJoS


糖桂花山药chinese yam with sweet osmanthus sauce的做法步骤

步骤 1

山药去皮,切成长条,浸泡在加了白醋的凉水中。Peel Chinese yam, cut into strips, then soak yam into cold water with white vinegar.

步骤 2

在锅里加水,把水煮开,放入泡好的山药(泡几分钟就可以)。中小火煮3-4分钟。Add water to pot, boil the water and put in the soaked yam (soaking for just a few minutes). Cook over medium and small heat for 3-4 minutes.

步骤 3

煮好后,捞出山药过凉开水或冰水。Take out the yam, put them into iced water for a while.

步骤 4

摆盘,浇上糖桂花酱,摆上薄荷叶。Put yam on a plate, with sweet osmanthus sauce dressing , and several mint leaves for decoration. Enjoy!

菜谱创建时间:2019-10-12 12:28:22