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作者: 麼麼噠1314
以下三段话来自维基百科中文版: 奶油甜餡煎餅卷(西西里語:cannolo,英語:cannoli)是義大利西西里地區的一種糕點。作為西西里飲食中重要的組成部分,它在義大利稱作「西西里奶油甜餡煎餅卷」,列於義大利農業、食品和林業部設立的《傳統義大利食物名錄》中,在美國則視為義大利甜點的代表之一。 奶油甜餡煎餅捲起源於巴勒莫地區,歷史上是為慶祝狂歡節準備的,後來發展為日常的糕點。它的外筒由油酥麵皮製成,捲入具有奶油質感的甜餡料,餡料中的主要組分是稱為「里考塔」(Ricotta)的乳清奶製品(常歸類為奶酪,但里考塔不是嚴謹意義上的奶酪)和糖。油炸後,外筒變硬變脆,外面再撒上糖霜。奶油甜餡煎餅卷最早是藉助通過中空的「蘆荻」捲成型的,所以在西西里語中,「cannolu」的本意是「小卷」,來源於拉丁語的「canna」,意為「蘆荻」。 現在的奶油甜餡煎餅卷有多種大小,小到指頭粗細,大到拳頭粗的,多見於巴勒莫地區。奶油甜餡煎餅卷做出來之後放置時間不宜過長,因為它外面的油炸麵皮會吸收掉乳清奶酪中的水分,導致餡料變乾,味道變差,故最好及時吃掉。為了避免這一缺陷,有的糕點店在麵皮內側塗抹一層熔化的巧克力,減少麵皮對水分的吸收,可以保存更長時間。



步骤 1

Cut shortening into flour mixture until it resemblescoarse crumbs. Fold in sugar and cinnamon. Gradually add marsala-a few drops at a time. Add egg. Mix until pastry holds together.(a few extra drops of marsala may be needed.) Form into a ball, cover & refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Divide dough into quarters. On lightly floured surface, roll out dough as thin as possible.

步骤 2

From a piece of cardboard, cut an oval shape 10-12cm long. Place cardboard oval on dough and cut shape with a knife. Loosely wrap each oval piece around the metal tube. Seal the edges where they meet with beaten egg white or a dab of milk.

步骤 3

Deep fry in 5cm vegetable oil at 200℃.Remove when golden brown, approx 2 minutes. Watch carefully as they cook very fast. Drain on paper towels. Let cannoli cool briefly before removing forms. They must cool completely before filling. Cannoli shells can be stored in a cool spot in an air tight container for up to 2 moths.

步骤 4

About fillings: Refrigerate until it is time to fill cannoli shells. It's best to fill right before serving. fill each shell and sprinkle with chopped pistachio nut. Dust with icing sugar. Filling will keep for 2 days in refrigerator.

菜谱创建时间:2019-04-11 16:06:08