
Mexican Rice 墨西哥米饭

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作者: daisy的笔记


Mexican Rice 墨西哥米饭的做法步骤

步骤 1

In a pan cook the onion and garlic until slightly brown. Add the cumin, chill powder, paprika and cook a few minutes more. Add a little water to deglaze. 洋葱大蒜入锅煸至金黄,加入孜然,辣椒粉和红椒粉翻炒,加入少许水炝锅。

步骤 2

Add the chipotle sauce, tomato sauce, salt and rice and cook a few minutes. 加入辣椒酱,番茄酱,盐和米饭翻拌几分钟。

步骤 3

Add the peas and 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer about 20 minutes, or until the water is absorbed and rice is cooked. 锅中加入3杯水。煮开后盖上盖子小火焖煮20分钟或至水被完会吸收即可。

菜谱创建时间:2018-12-13 11:57:51