烤箱预热至 220℃/428℉。 Preheat the oven to 220℃/428℉.
把花生油倒入平底锅, 中火加热, 将大蒜压碎, 和黑芝麻ㄧ起放入爆香, 将饮用水先倒入1/2, 将藜麦及白糖放入锅中, 中小火煮至水乾, 再将黄豆酱和剩下1/2饮用水倒入, 翻炒至黏稠状, 倒入酱料碗。 Pour peanut oil into a saucepan and heat it in a medium heat, crush the garlic clove and add to saucepan with black sesames, pour 1/2 of drinking water into saucepan first, then add the quinoa and sugar, cook in low to medium heat until the water dry out, then pour the salted and fermented soya paste and the remaining 1/2 drinking water, stir fry until thick and pour into sauce bowl.
将老豆腐切成方块,把酱料涂满豆腐块上方及四边。 Cut the hardened tofu to cube and spread the sauce over the top and sides of the tofu cubes.
将豆腐块放在烤盘上, 放入烤箱, 220℃/428℉ 烤 20 分钟。 Place the tofu cubes on the baking tray, bake them in the oven with 220℃/428℉ temperature.