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最近古早味蛋糕好热啊👌大家都在吃买来吃,我之前跟着很多日本棉花蛋糕和古早味蛋糕做出来吃了,今天刚巧有榴莲,于是就有一个大胆的想法…… 蛋糕湿性材料多,有难度,新手请勿轻易尝试。



步骤 1

取100g榴莲肉 get 100g durian meat

步骤 2

烘焙纸裁成需要尺寸放进8寸蛋糕模 Cut wax paper to fit and place into 8” cake pan

步骤 3

准备所有材料,分离蛋清蛋白,蛋白冷冻约5分钟 get all ready and freeze egg white about 5 mins

步骤 4

玉米油加热至微沸(油有明显纹路),关火倒入过筛面粉 heat corn oil to micro-boiling, turn off fire then mix with sieved flour

步骤 5

搅拌均匀 mix well

步骤 6
步骤 6

放入榴莲肉拌匀 put durian first into mixture, mix

步骤 7

放入蛋黄拌匀 get egg together, blend mixture until free from lumps

步骤 8

装一盘水放进烤箱中下层,开始预热烤箱150°C Fill a pan with water, place in the lower layer of oven and turn on oven 300°F

步骤 9

从冰箱拿出蛋白,这是边缘开始结冰,加入盐,几滴香草精和柠檬汁 Take out egg white, it is icing up about the edges, put inside salt, vanilla and lemonade

步骤 10

先高速打发蛋白至粗泡,再分3次加入白糖,转低速打发 Beat over a high speed briefly, after that, add sugar in 3 times, adjust to the low speed

步骤 11

打发至中湿性发泡(就是图片中的样子) Beat to soft peak

步骤 12

先加1/3蛋白至蛋黄糊搅拌均匀 add 1/3 egg white into egg yolk, batter and combine

步骤 13

把蛋黄糊加入蛋白中翻拌均匀 Fold all together

步骤 14

翻拌手法 Folding way

步骤 15

将蛋糕糊倒进蛋糕模轻摔两下磕出大气泡,放进烤箱烤60~70分钟 Fill in cake pan, shake out the air and place on middle shelf of oven. Steam bake in 300°F for 60~70 mins

步骤 16

取出蛋糕倒扣在网架上几分钟,撕掉烘焙纸掰开就可以吃啦嗷呜~ Remove from pan, invert cake onto rack for 5 mins. It’s done now, enjoy!


榴莲不要随便随便加量,不然蛋糕会很湿喵~ Please don’t change how much the durian.

菜谱创建时间:2017-11-14 03:15:50