先准备派皮。拿一个大碗,在里面加入无麸质面粉、海盐,然后混合均匀。 To prepare crust, add gluten free flour and salt to a large mixing bowl and whisk to combine.
再加入纯素黄油/椰子油,轻轻地用刀或者切割机充分混合。 Slice or dollop the cold butter in and work gently with a fork or pastry cutter to cut it in. Don’t overwork, just get it incorporated.
接下来加入冷水,同时用一个木勺来不停地搅拌。只需加入你觉得能把面团充分混合的水的量即可。 Next add ice cold water a little at a time and use a wooden spoon to stir. Only add as much water as you need to help it come together.
一旦形成了一个松软的面团,就将面团放入一个保鲜膜中,用手按压,形成一个0.5英寸厚的圆盘。然后放入冰箱冷冻最少半个小时,最多不超过两天。只需要在使用之前加热一下即可,但不要把温度调的太高,否则面团会太软。 Once a loose dough is formed, transfer to a piece of plastic wrap and work gently with your hands to form a 1/2 inch thick disc. Wrap firmly and refrigerate for a minimum 30 minutes.
当面团已经完成冷冻,将烤箱温度预热到175度,然后准备馅料。 Once your dough is chilled, preheat oven to 350 degrees F and prepare pie filling 把所有准备馅料的食材放入一个搅拌机中,充分搅拌,直到变得顺滑,这时你可以再尝一下,是否需要添加调料。然后放在一边。 Add all pie ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth, scraping down sides as needed. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. Set aside.
为了将塔皮铺平,小心拆开圆盘型的面团,将它放在两层尺寸合适的烘培蜡纸之间。拿一个擀面杖轻轻地滚压,来形成你想要的派盘形状。如果出现裂缝,不要紧张,当你把它放到派盘中时,可以用手去塑形。 To roll out the crust, unwrap the disc and place it between two sizable layers of wax paper (plastic wrap will work OK, but is a little more difficult to work with). Use a rolling pin to gently roll it into the shape of your pie pan. If it cracks, don’t stress - you can reform it with your hands once you get it in the pan.
为了形成塔皮的形状,先去掉最上层的烘焙蜡纸,然后轻轻地将派盘面朝下放在塔皮正上方的位置,再利用蜡纸的支撑迅速并小心的倒扣。 To transfer the crust, remove the top layer of wax paper and gently lay the pie dish face down on top of the crust and use the support of the wax paper to quickly but carefully invert it.
一旦塔皮倒扣完成,轻轻地用手去给盘中的塔皮塑形,先从上方开始,然后沿着周围一圈塑形。但记得千万不要过度按压,最多只要几分钟就能将塔皮完美塑形。任何细小的洞洞或是裂缝都能被多出的面团以及你手的温度修复。 Once you get the crust inverted, gently use your hands to form it into the pan, working the crust up along the sides. It can be a little tricky but it bakes beautifully, so it’s worth the effort! Just try not to overwork the dough in the process - it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to perfect the shape. Any holes or cracks can be mended with a little excess dough and the heat of your hand.
在塔皮上倒入馅料,然后在200度的条件下烤58-65分钟,塔皮颜色应该变成了淡淡的金棕色。将盘子从烤箱中拿出,待它完全冷却之后,放入冰箱冷藏4-6小时,最好过夜。 Pour filling into pie crust and bake at 350 for 58-65 minutes. The crust should be light golden brown and the filling will still be just a bit jiggly and have some cracks on the top. Remove from oven and let cool completely before loosely covering and transferring to the refrigerator to fully set for 4-6 hours, preferably overnight.
最后在上面挤上用椰子奶打发好的奶油,额外加一些肉桂粉装饰就大功告成啦! Slice and serve with coconut whipped cream and an additional sprinkle of cinnamon,
加肉桂粉来装饰 开吃!