
【生酮ketogenic】西葫芦面 低碳水low carb/gluten-free/paleo

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作者: Llawlietp
转载自http://www.tasteaholics.com/recipes/sides/how-to-make-zoodles-zucchini-noodles/ 食谱是2份的用量。 1 tbsp=15 ml 1 tsp=5 ml 1 oz=28 g 1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml Macros per 100 grams: • 20 Calories • 0g of Fat • 1g of Protein • 2g of Net Carbs 每100g: • 20卡路里 • 0g脂肪 • 1g蛋白质 • 2g净碳水化合物


【生酮ketogenic】西葫芦面 低碳水low carb/gluten-free/paleo的做法步骤

步骤 1

西葫芦洗净,去两头。Wash your zucchini and trim the ends off.

步骤 2

用zoodler(也就是个类似刨丝刀的工具,贴士中放上链接)把西葫芦刨成面条状。Using your zoodler, spiralize your zucchini by twisting it into the tool like a pencil into a pencil sharpener. Do this until almost the entire zucchini is spiralized.

步骤 3

也可以用刨皮器代替(刀头要像图中这样可以刨出条状的)。Alternatively, you can use a special vegetable peeler with teeth so create your noodles.

步骤 4

最后要小心伤到手指,刨至图中这样即可。The very end up of it may be difficult to fit without hurting your fingers so you should end up with something like this:

步骤 5

热锅,加入橄榄油(高温烹饪不要用橄榄油),中火烹饪五分钟,持续翻面。西葫芦面会变软但不应该是湿软的。撒适量盐和胡椒粉,即可享用。Heat up a pan with a bit of olive oil on medium heat and cook your zoodles for about 5 minutes. Use tongs to turn them continuously. The zoodles should be softer but not soggy. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and enjoy with your favorite dish!

菜谱创建时间:2016-10-12 23:01:41