
粉喜粄茶果 ( See Pan )

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粉喜粄茶果 ( See Pan )的做法步骤

步骤 1

先将 100g 面粉,100 ml 清水和干酵母粉混勺,待发 1 小时。 100g flour, 100 ml of water and dry yeast powder mixing spoon, for 1 hour.

步骤 2

准备把香蕉叶洗净抹干水然后将它剪成四方形。把它放入锅中烤一下变软。 Preparation wash wipe banana leaves and then cut it into squares. Put it in a pot roast until soft.

步骤 3

发酵后把剩下的材料再加入其余面粉,澄面粉,糯米粉,糖,红色素,最后加入橄榄油,搓成粉团。将面团分成每粒 50g , 搓成圆形放在香蕉叶上轻轻地按平,再待涨发 1 小时至双倍大。 Ingredient remaining after fermentation and then add the remaining flour, wheat flour, rice, sugar, red pigment, and finally add olive oil and rub into flour. Divide the dough into each 50g, twisted round banana leaf and gently press flat, to be up 1 hour until doubled in size again.

步骤 4

过后,将锅烧开水然后把面团放入蒸锅里,以大火蒸 15 分钟即可。侍冷却即可。 Later, in a pot of boiling water and then place the dough in the steamer, and steam for 15 minutes. Serve cooled.

菜谱创建时间:2016-05-27 22:46:39