
爱尔兰蜂蜜司康/Irish honey scones

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爱尔兰蜂蜜司康。 Scones are so quintessentially Irish and are something nearly everyone has a recipe for, whether it belongs to you, your mother or was even passed down from your grandmother. This recipe has a sweet twist with the use of some lovely Irish honey alongside the traditional ingredients. The addition of this great Irish product gives the scones a lovely heady flavour and really adds that special something to a classic recipe. Recipe from The Pleasures of the Table: Rediscovering Theodora Fitzgibbon. (Words of Donal Skehan) Makes 8 "farls".


爱尔兰蜂蜜司康/Irish honey scones的做法步骤

步骤 1

大碗里放入筛过的白面粉,泡打粉和盐,再加入全麦面粉和黄油。加糖搅拌。蜂蜜加入到牛奶,搅拌至溶解,然后向面粉和黄油混合物添加大部分该混合物 揉成面团。剩下的备用。 塑造面团成圆形约20或22厘米,放到抹油的烤盘。切成八个楔状似的portions 并烘烤,在200℃/ 400°F - 20分钟。取出刷剩下的蜂蜜牛奶釉,再装回去,继续烤5-10分钟。 Bon appetite!

菜谱创建时间:2015-01-30 16:33:25