
PYDailylife-9寸阿馬爾菲檸檬蛋糕 Amalfi Lemon Cake

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作者: PYDailylife


PYDailylife-9寸阿馬爾菲檸檬蛋糕 Amalfi Lemon Cake的做法步骤

步骤 1

將蛋白和蛋黃分開,分別放入兩個大碗中打發。(蛋白打發程度看步驟7) Separate the egg whites and yolks into two large bowls.

步骤 2

將蛋黃打至發泡(如圖) Beat the yolks until frothy.

步骤 3

下一步在發泡的蛋黃液裡(注意:過程中先不要攪拌)分別加入細砂糖、植物油、黃油、牛奶和檸檬皮,加入好以上全部後可以攪拌,攪拌幾乎完全溶解沒有顆粒狀態(目前有少量顆粒也沒關係) Beat the yolks until frothy, then add the caster sugar, oil, butter, milk and the grated lemon rind and continue mixing until the sugar is completely dissolved.

步骤 4


步骤 5

慢慢的少量多次同時加入普通麵粉和泡打粉(如圖),每一次加入都要攪拌均勻,直至最後沒有一點顆粒為止。 Slowly add the plain flour and the baking powder.

步骤 6
步骤 6

攪拌完沒顆粒後放旁邊備用。9寸模具周圍底部都抹上黃油備用。 Butter a 9-inch baking tin and dust with flour.

步骤 7

將蛋白加一小撮鹽打發至微小泡沫狀,這個手打的話至少30分鐘以上(中途不要停). 如圖-泡沫像小山峰一樣立挺. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until they form little peaks.

步骤 8

將泡沫狀的蛋白加入到備用中的蛋黃混合物中,輕微攪拌至均勻的奶油狀. (不要攪拌太大力啦) Add to the flour mixture, stirring the contents to a uniform, creamy consistency.

步骤 9

提前預熱烤箱160度. 將混合物倒入9寸烘焙模具,放進烤箱中層烤約一小時,直到蛋糕表面金黃. Preheat oven to 160C. Pour into the tin and bake for about an hour until golden.

步骤 10


步骤 11

準備好這兩樣(檸檬汁和糖粉)放一旁備用。 當烤箱還剩5分鐘時,開始將糖粉加入檸檬汁中加熱,直到呈現淺蜂蜜色. Add the icing sugar to the lemon juice and heat until a light honey colour.

步骤 12

把它淋上剛好烤好的蛋糕表面。 Spoon over the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven.

步骤 13

完成以上所有部分後室溫放涼就好. 切開後如圖~ 不用放冰箱冷藏,頂部蓋上錫紙放烤箱保存,3-4天食用完哦。 After completing all the steps, let it cool at room temperature. There’s no need to refrigerate it. Cover the top with aluminum foil and store it in the oven.

PYDailylife-9寸阿馬爾菲檸檬蛋糕 Amalfi Lemon Cake的小贴士


菜谱创建时间:2025-02-20 21:30:00