黄瓜拍扁切碎。 陈皮和话梅也切碎,加了这个真的巨好吃。 水果青椒/甜椒切碎,给口味加一个层次,不爱吃青椒可以不放。 Smash the cucumber and chopped it into small pieces. It helps to release the maximum flavors. Chopped the plums and citrus peels into small pieces, brings some freshness and umami taste. Capsicum can be added optional.
酱的组成: 辣椒油,糖,腐乳在这里起到增鲜作用有点像加了奶酪的感觉。腐乳不要放多了,切一点儿进来就好了。这个组合调味,不需要用水和开,用黄瓜的水分稀释就好。 sauce: chilli oil, sugar you like, Chinese fermented tofu. The fermented tofu brings a cheese like umami flavor.
最终的成品,很清爽,也有点日料的和风感觉。大家可以试试看这个风味很特别! Final dish. It’s a very unique taste. Rich umami flavor with lots of freshness from the cucumber!