
简单温柔的肉酱拌面🍜( 10分钟)

160人浏览 1人收藏 0人做过
作者: BaKerry
When i went grocery shopping at the supermarket this morning, i found a pack of noodles at a big discount. It’s 60% off and only cost 5 yuan. This pack is enough for 8 servings. It’s a good bargain. And 啊姨 left some ground meat in the fridge. Maybe it’s a good idea to make a bowl of noodles with braised meat. This is how this recipe came out. Before you tuck in, You must make sure each noodle is covered in the savory sauce. Hope This would be your best favorite ever. this is 1 person serving 这是一人份量


简单温柔的肉酱拌面🍜( 10分钟)的做法步骤

步骤 1

平底锅下油后放葱花和香菇,小火慢煎至葱花和香菇都焦色 Drizzle some oil( much more than normal) on the pan, toss the chopped spring onion and sliced mushroom in. Sauté them until they get brown.

步骤 2

这是焦化后的样子。通过慢火油煎,葱和香菇的香味会散发出来。 They have slightly brown now. The fragrance from the spring onion and mushroom comes out this way.

步骤 3

再加入肉碎,慢火煎 Add in the ground meat and sauté over low heat.

步骤 4

混合酱汁的材料后放入平底锅里。煮至2-3分钟直至酱汁浓稠即可 Mix the ingredients of the sauce and pour it into the pan. Cook about 2-3 minutes until the sauce gets thick.

步骤 5

这个牌子是天优,但其实也是伊都制造的,所以也不错 面条滑而有嚼劲。 This noodles are quiet good. They are smooth and al dente. They won’t stick very easily.

步骤 6
步骤 6

这是煮好的浇头 This is the finished braised meat.

步骤 7

把酱汁跟面条拌均再开吃把~~一定要每根面条都沾到酱汁喔 Tuck in. Mix the braised meat with sauce and noodles. Make sure each noodle is dressed in the sauce.

菜谱创建时间:2023-04-26 14:48:36