
avacado onion oven baked salmon steak with tomatoes

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avacado onion oven baked salmon steak with tomatoes的做法步骤

步骤 1

三文鱼用盐黑胡椒腌制10分钟。 marinate salmon with salt and pepper for 10mins

步骤 2

准备好小番茄prepare cherry tomatoes

步骤 3

洗净小番茄,wash tomatoes

步骤 4

把培根切成片cut the bacon

步骤 5

把洋葱切成丝put the onion into slices

步骤 6
步骤 6

把牛油果切成条状。 cut avacado into slice.

步骤 7

把番茄切下,铺在烤盘底部,撒上些橄榄油。cut some tomatoes into half and place these into.a baking dish,mix with olive oil

步骤 8

put the mix (onion,avacado,garlic,bacon)on to the tomatoes. 把切片的牛油果,培根,洋葱,大蒜铺在番茄上。

步骤 9

撒一些罗勒叶和调味料在上面。 put some basil and seasoning onto the dish.

步骤 10

把准备好的烤盘放进烤箱,200度烤30分钟。put the baking dish into the oven and bake for 30mins at 200degree

步骤 11


菜谱创建时间:2022-06-02 19:48:41