所有材料加入厨师机。搅拌10分钟。 put everything into mixer. Mix at speed 3 for 10 min.
发酵30分钟后分成65-70克的小块,搓成长条。 ferment for 30 min. Separate into 65-70g per piece and roll to long shape.
松弛10分钟后擀成长条卷起压扁。擀成直径8cm左右圆形。Rest for 10min. Roll to thin long shape and roll up. Press, and use roll pin to shape into 8cm diameter circle.
电饼铛烙2分钟。然后烤箱180度烤5分钟。 put in the electric baking pan for 2 min, then oven bake for 5 min at 180 degree.