
白吉馍 half fermented bun

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作者: Jing_7oa9


白吉馍 half fermented bun的做法步骤

步骤 1

所有材料加入厨师机。搅拌10分钟。 put everything into mixer. Mix at speed 3 for 10 min.

步骤 2

发酵30分钟后分成65-70克的小块,搓成长条。 ferment for 30 min. Separate into 65-70g per piece and roll to long shape.

步骤 3

松弛10分钟后擀成长条卷起压扁。擀成直径8cm左右圆形。Rest for 10min. Roll to thin long shape and roll up. Press, and use roll pin to shape into 8cm diameter circle.

步骤 4

电饼铛烙2分钟。然后烤箱180度烤5分钟。 put in the electric baking pan for 2 min, then oven bake for 5 min at 180 degree.

菜谱创建时间:2021-08-11 20:41:41