
惠灵顿牛排 Beef Wellington

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作者: Jo_1010


惠灵顿牛排 Beef Wellington的做法步骤

步骤 1

将牛排分别用保鲜膜裹紧定型过夜。Wrap each piece of beef tightly in a triple layer of cling film to set its shape, then chill overnight.

步骤 2

平底锅加橄榄油高火烧热,牛排去除保鲜膜后快速煎制30至60秒至表面金黄但内部全生,关火取出放凉。Remove the cling film, then quickly sear the beef fillets in a hot pan with a little olive oil for 30-60 seconds until browned all over and rare in the middle. Remove from the pan and leave to cool.

步骤 3

将蘑菇洗净后切末,锅中烧油,加入蘑菇,迷迭香叶,调味。当蘑菇炒至出汁时高火继续炒至汁水完全蒸发。将蘑菇酱盛出放凉备用。Finely chop the mushrooms and fry in a hot pan with a little olive oil, the thyme leaves and some seasoning. When the mushrooms begin to release their juices, continue to cook over a high heat for about 10 minutes until all the excess moisture has evaporated and you are left with a mushroom paste (known as a duxelle). Remove the duxelle from the pan and leave to cool.

步骤 4

将法式酥皮调整到适当大小,放入冰箱冷藏备用。Cut the pastry in half, place on a lightly floured surface and roll each piece into a rectangle large enough to envelop one of the beef fillets. Chill in the refrigerator.

步骤 5

将一张足够大的保鲜膜铺展后将4张帕尔马火腿铺在保鲜膜上,每张火腿略微重叠。将一半的蘑菇酱抹在火腿上。共做两张用来包裹牛排。Lay a large sheet of cling film on a work surface and place 4 slices of Parma ham in the middle, overlapping them slightly, to create a square. Spread half the duxelle evenly over the ham.

步骤 6
步骤 6

用盐和胡椒给牛排调味后将牛排放在有蘑菇酱的火腿上。用保鲜膜将火腿紧紧包在牛排上,然后放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。Season the beef fillets, then place them on top of the mushroom-covered ham. Using the cling film, roll the Parma ham over the beef, then roll and tie the cling film to get a nice, evenly thick log. Repeat this step with the other beef fillet, then chill for at least 30 minutes.

步骤 7

将调好的蛋液刷在法师酥皮上。去掉牛排外侧的保鲜膜,用酥皮包裹牛排收口裹紧。然后用蛋液刷牛排表面后再次用保鲜膜裹紧冷藏30分钟。Brush the pastry with the egg wash. Remove the cling film from the beef, then wrap the pastry around each ham-wrapped fillet. Trim the pastry and brush all over with the egg wash. Cover with cling film and chill for at least 30 minutes.

步骤 8

与此同时,制作红酒酱汁。锅中加入橄榄油炒制牛肉几分钟后加入干葱头碎,胡椒粒,香叶和迷迭香。搅拌5分钟。Meanwhile, make the red wine sauce. Heat the oil in a large pan, then fry the beef trimmings for a few minutes until browned on all sides. Stir in the shallots with the peppercorns, bay and thyme and continue to cook for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until the shallots turn golden brown.

步骤 9

加入红酒醋炒至几乎完全蒸发。倒入红酒,烧开煮至红酒几乎完全蒸发,再倒入牛肉高汤,小火煮1小时后关火过滤,用盐和胡椒调味。Pour in the vinegar and let it bubble for a few minutes until almost dry. Now add the wine and boil until almost completely reduced. Add the stock and bring to the boil again. Lower the heat and simmer gently for 1 hour, removing any scum from the surface of the sauce, until you have the desired consistency. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve lined with muslin. Check for seasoning and set aside.

步骤 10

烤箱预热200摄氏度。牛排表面用快刀浅浅划花纹后再次刷蛋液,烤箱烤制15至20分钟至酥皮起酥金黄。关火取出后放置10分钟后快刀切块。When you are ready to cook the beef wellingtons, score the pastry lightly and brush with the egg wash again, then bake at 200°C/Gas 6 for 15-20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown and cooked. Rest for 10 minutes before carving.

步骤 11

牛排放置过程中重新加热红酒酱汁。Meanwhile, reheat the sauce. Serve the beef wellingtons sliced, with the sauce as an accompaniment

菜谱创建时间:2021-08-02 11:09:51