
Cruffin croissant&muffin可颂🥐➕玛芬=可芬

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作者: MitsuMi
前段时间就做了,现在天热不是很想再尝试! 还是把它从草稿箱里放出来吧! 其实口感没什么特殊,这个整形方式比较喜欢,一个的量刚好不大不小适合我的食量~


Cruffin croissant&muffin可颂🥐➕玛芬=可芬的做法步骤

步骤 1

In the bowl of your standmixer, add all ingredients except butter. Place the hook attachment and knead during 3 minutes at low speed until all combined. Increase one speed and keep kneading during 2 minutes. Add the 10 g softened butter and keep kneading at medium speed (4 for a KitchenAid) during 12 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic, but does not stick to the bowl or to your hands (18/20 minutes kneading in total). 厨师机中加入除黄油外的所有成分。 低速3 分钟混合均匀 加速⏩继续揉捏 2 分钟。 加入 软化后的黄油继续中速揉面 12 分钟,直到面团光滑有弹性,不会粘碗上或手上 (总时间18/20 分钟)

步骤 2

Wrap the dough in cling-film and let it rest for an hour in room temperature. Shape the dough into a ball, transfer it in a clean bowl, cover and let it rest during 1 hour at room temp 用保鲜膜包好,室温静置一小时。 将面团揉成球状,将其转移到干净的碗中,盖上并在室温发酵1 小时

步骤 3

Divide the dough in 4 equal pieces and flatten them to athickness of about 1/3" / 1 cm. 将面团分成 4 等份, 然后用压面机或自己手擀成长长的薄片,尽量薄一点,考验技术的时候,⚠️防粘

步骤 4

Run each piece of dough through the pasta machine at its thickest setting. Repeat and roll the doug thinner and thinner by decreasing the setting of the pastat machine. Or use a rollign pin and roll the dough to desired thickness. 薄的像张纸

步骤 5

Mix softened butter with cacao powder and sugar. Spread the the mixture on the dough. 填充部分,将软化的黄油与和自己喜欢的调味料混合。 将混合物均匀涂抹在面皮上(看图)

步骤 6
步骤 6

Roll it from one end to the other to a cigar-formed log. Cut the log lengthwise with a floured knife, and fold each piece of dough together with the cut side facing outward. 从一端卷到另一端,就像做可颂🥐的时候一样,卷的时候小心点尽量粗细均匀! 用撒了面粉的刀面团纵向切开,

步骤 7


步骤 8

Place the pieces of dough in a muffin cup or pan and let them ferment for about 3 hours, covered loosely with cling film. 将面团块放入模具中,我用的是马芬模具12连,让它们发酵约 3 小时,盖上保鲜膜 ⚠️放之前给模具抹上油防粘

步骤 9

Preheat the oven to 400ºF / 200ºC. Bake the Cruffins for 20 minutes, or until they have got a nice golden color. 烤箱预热至 400ºF/200ºC。烤 20 分钟, 或者直到它们变成漂亮的金黄色,这个要根据自家烤箱定

步骤 10


菜谱创建时间:2021-06-24 19:25:52