制作汤种。面粉加水拌匀小火加热至60度。放凉入冰箱冷藏。 Make yudane: mix flour and water. Heat to 60 degree. Set cold and put in fridge.
主面团除酵母和黄油以外的所有材料加上汤种入厨师机拌匀。放入冰箱水合1小时。取出加酵母打出八分膜。加黄油打出9分膜。不要打太过因为是100%全麦不容易出手套膜。 Add everything but yeast and butter. Mix well and out in fridge to autolyse for one hour. Then add yeast and butter until gluten fully developed.
一发60分钟左右。整形,二发45分钟到9分满。170度烤25分钟。 First rise around 60min. Form the shape, second rise around 45min to 90% full of the mold. 170degree 25min.