烧猪皮。 burn the pork skin
擦掉黑色部分洗净。然后放在加了姜葱酒的水里煮30分钟至八成熟。 Wash off the black part. Put meat in water, add ginger spring onion and wine, cook for 30 min. Keep the soup.
擦干,肉皮上抹老抽和盐。用油炸至表皮起泡。然后泡入刚才煮肉的汤中10分钟。 Dry the pork, coat the skin with dark soy sauce and salt. Deep fry until the skin starts to bubble. Soak into the soup.
锅里放油,切碎的姜蒜花椒干辣椒炒香,加炒干的芽菜爆至香味出来。Put oil in pot, add minced ginger and garlic, Chinese pepper corn and dried chili. Add pickled veggie stir fry until fragrant.
五花肉切片。 sliced the pork belly
碗里码肉。上面铺上一层炒好的芽菜。上锅蒸两小时。Put the meat in a bowl. Cover with the fried pickles veggie and steam for at least two hours.