
红薯毛巾卷(Towel roll crepe cake with Sweet potato)

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Ding! A wonderful Christmas Eve can not without the most important apple. 🍎 ⛄️ 🎄 The sweet potato puree replaces the heavy cream and slow fire + sweet and sour applesauce🍎 forms a magical collision between taste buds which brings an unprecedented taste. The towel rolls in this recipe are completely low in fat and oil! After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this towel roll crepe with sweet potato. Merry Christmas!!!🎄🎄🎄🎆 叮!美妙的平安夜怎么能少了最重要的苹果呢~🍎 ⛄️ 🎄 口感绵密的红薯泥代替奶油和慢火熬制,酸甜可口的苹果酱🍎 之间的惊喜搭配形成了一种奇妙的碰撞带来的前所未有的口感。 这篇食谱中的毛巾卷是完全的低脂低油哒! 学会了记得分享哦!有什么不懂的地方或者是疑问都是非常欢迎大家在评论区询问的,看到了一定及时回复。希望大家喜欢这款红薯毛巾卷哦~ 提前祝大家圣诞快乐哦!!!🎄🎄🎄🎆


红薯毛巾卷(Towel roll crepe cake with Sweet potato)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备所需的工具。Prepare all the tools. 滤网 (Sieve) 6寸蛋糕模具(慕斯模具) 6 inches cake mold (mousse mold) 不锈钢盆(Stainless steel Basin) 6寸平底锅 (6 inch pan) 电动打蛋器 (Electric beater) 手动打蛋器 (Hand beater) 电子秤 (Electronic scale) 奶锅/不粘锅的锅 (A milk pan/non-stick pan)

步骤 2

准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。 Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.m

步骤 3

在一个无水无油的平底锅或是奶锅中加入称好的80克苹果和1/2称好的5克柠檬汁。建议:苹果最好要削皮,切丁,以免影响口感。 Add 80g of apple and 1/2 g of lemon juice in the pan. Suggestion: Apple had better peel, because it will affect taste.

步骤 4

加入称好的30克零卡代糖,开小火慢慢熬制,由于苹果本身比较硬导致熬制的过程很漫长,大概需要30-35分钟。等锅中水分收干,锅中的苹果变得很软很浓稠,颜色也变得有一点焦黄色,就可以关火了哦~⚠️注意!!过程中需要用锅铲或是勺子将苹果来回搅拌,以免烧焦。 Add 30 grams of stevia and bring to a low heat. It will take a long time to cook because apple is hard, It takes about 30-35 minutes. Wait until the water in the pot dried, the apples in the pot become very soft and the color of it has become a little brown, and then you can take off the fire. Attention!!!!! Stir the apples back and forth with a spatula or spoon to keep them from burning.

步骤 5

关火之后,将苹果酱装进一个小碗中,加入剩下的1/2柠檬汁,并搅拌均匀,放凉备用。 Remove from the heat and transfer the apple sauce to a small bowl. Add the remaining 1/2 lemon juice and stir well. Set aside.

步骤 6
步骤 6

将50克全蛋(大约2-3个鸡蛋)搅拌均匀。⚠️烘培小白们注意啦!!!如果不太清楚蛋清和蛋黄是否合二为一了,可以将蛋液用打蛋器勾起来一点,要是很稀,这样就可以了,要是看到有块状的,那就是不行。 Whisk together 50 grams of whole eggs (about 2-3 eggs). Pay attention!! If you are not sure whether the egg white and the yolk are one, you can hook the egg liquid with a whisk. If it is thin, then it is ready. If you see a lump, it is not ready.

步骤 7

将2克无盐黄油隔热水融化成黄油溶液。融化的时候上下搅拌,黄油会融化的更快哦~ Melt 2 grams of unsalted butter over heat insulation water. When it melts, stir it up and down. The butter will melt faster.

步骤 8

将160克脱脂牛奶倒入一个无水无油的大盆中(盆的材质随意)。 Pour 160 grams of skimmed milk into a large, waterless, oil-free basin.

步骤 9

将融化好了的黄油溶液加入到牛奶中搅拌均匀,使黄油溶液跟牛奶融合到一起。注意!由于黄油的密度比牛奶小,所以黄油溶液就会漂浮在牛奶表面上,这是属于正常现象,不必惊慌哦~ Add the melted butter to the milk and stir well to blend the butter and milk together. Attention! Since butter is less dense than milk, the butter floats to the surface of the milk, which is normal and not to be alarmed.

步骤 10

在搅拌均匀的溶液中加入全蛋液,并搅拌均匀。 Add the egg mixture to the mixture and stir well.

步骤 11

将34克低筋面粉加入或筛入搅拌均匀的溶液中,并搅拌均匀。搅拌之后可以过滤一下,以免有没有融化的低筋面粉。 Add or sift 34 grams of cake flour into a well-stirred mixture and mix well. After mixing it, strain it so that there is no unmelted flour.

步骤 12

开始摊皮喽~方法跟摊千层皮的方法和技巧都是一样的! 首先,将不粘锅烧热。调小火,单手提起锅,挖一汤勺的面糊倒入锅中,马上将锅绕一圈,尽量让整个锅面都沾上面糊,再将锅放火上煎大概6秒。当看到面皮起泡时,马上将锅拿起,并用刮刀轻挑面皮的一侧放空气,并马上倒扣到架子上放凉。重复这样的步骤直到摊完所有的面糊。 Firstly, heat a 6-inch pan. Then lower the heat, scoop the batter into the middle of the pan and quickly swirl it around in a circle to cover the bottom. Cook until the batter bubbles and which usually takes 6 seconds. Carefully remove the finished crepe by spatula and place to the rack to cool down the crepe. Repeated this until all there is no batter left.

步骤 13

将摊完的所有面皮对折放凉备用。 Fold all the crepes in half and set aside.

步骤 14

用6寸的慕斯模具将面皮的毛边切除,个人不太喜欢那样毛毛的边,所以会选择切除,但这不是强制步骤,如果喜欢那种毛边的感觉的话,这一步可以省略。 Use a 6-inch mousse mold to remove the rough edges of the crepe. Personally, I don't like the rough edges, so I choose to remove them, but this is not a mandatory step. If you like the rough edges, you can omit this step.

步骤 15

切完边后面皮的效果。 The effect of the crepe after removing the rough edges.

步骤 16

将100克红薯大火隔水蒸大概30分钟。 Steam the 100g sweet potato over water for about 30 minutes.

步骤 17

将蒸好的红薯🍠 倒入一个无水无油的不锈钢盆中,用勺子将红薯压成泥状。 随后,加入40克脱脂牛奶。 Pour the steamed sweet potato into a stainless steel basin without water or oil. Use a spoon to crush the sweet potato into a puree. Add 40g skimmed milk.

步骤 18

用电动打蛋器将红薯打成更加细腻的红薯泥,打的过程会比较漫长,打的时间越久,红薯泥的口感就会更加的细腻。 Beat the sweet potato into the sweet potato puree with an electric beater, the beating process will be long, but the longer beating time, the more delicate the taste of sweet potato puree.

步骤 19

组装喽!!!将所有需要用到的材料都准备好了之后,就可以开始制作毛巾卷了哦~ Assemble it!! Once you have all the materials you need, you can begin to assemble.

步骤 20

首先,将3张面皮如图依次叠放。其次,在面皮的中央铺上绵密的红薯泥,最好将面皮的边缘留出,以免红薯泥在卷的时候漏出。最后,在红薯泥上放上熬制好的苹果酱。 First, put the 3 pieces of crepes on top of each other. Second, line the center of the crepes with a thick layer of sweet potato puree. It is best to set aside the edges of the crepes so that the puree does not leak during rolling. Finally, the sweet potato puree is topped with applesauce.

步骤 21

将面皮两边如图折起来。从面皮的一头卷起来。这样的步骤重复三遍,从而完成三份毛巾卷的制作。 Fold the sides of the crepes together as shown. Roll it up from one end of the crepes. Repeat this process three times to complete the three rolls.

步骤 22

用保鲜膜将三份毛巾卷包起来,放入冰箱冷藏2-3小时定型。 Wrap three towels rolls crepes in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2-3 hours to finalize.

步骤 23

上成品喽!!! Finally, there is the final product!!

步骤 24

这款红薯毛巾卷的总热量是403千卡,一共包含了有3份毛巾卷,平均下来一个毛巾卷的热量大概134千卡哦~与一般的奶油毛巾卷的热量相比已经算是非常低的了!这款毛巾卷是非常饱腹的,一口下去超满足,完全没有增胖的烦恼和罪恶感! The total calorie of this towel roll crepe cake with sweet potato is 403 calories, contained altogether has 3 towel roll crepes, so the average calorie of a towel roll crepe is 134 calories. Compared with a normal heavy cream towel roll crepe’s calorie is already very low! This towel roll is very filling and satisfying in one bite, with no worries or guilt about it can cause gaining weight!

步骤 25

这款红薯毛巾卷对患有糖尿病的人也是非常友好的,吃半份到一份是完全没有问题的。原料中的红薯有着丰富的维生素含量,无论是水溶性维生素还是脂溶性维生素,所以适量的吃红薯,能够帮助身体补充维生素。红薯还能够防止血压上升。研究表明,红薯当中的升糖指数比米饭要低,所以糖尿病人吃适量的红薯是完全没有任何问题的。 This sweet potato towel roll is also very friendly to people with diabetes and has no problem eating half to 1 portions. Sweet potato in ingredient list is rich in vitamin content, both water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, eating sweet potatoes in a proper amount can help the body to replenish vitamins. Sweet potatoes also prevent blood pressure from rising. Studies have shown that sweet potatoes have a lower glycemic index than rice, so diabetics have no problem eating them in moderation.

红薯毛巾卷(Towel roll crepe cake with Sweet potato)的小贴士

1. 做面皮的时候,黄油是一个不可避免的原材料,所以只能选择少量的加入黄油,如果不加黄油会导致在做面皮的时候严重粘锅。 Butter is an inevitable ingredient, but when making the crepe, only choose to add a small amount of butter. If you don't add butter, it will cause a very sticky pan when cook crepe. 2. 熬制苹果酱的时候一定一定要小火+用抹刀或是勺子来回搅拌,不然苹果酱很容易烧焦的。 When boiling the apple sauce, it has to be a small fire + stir the apples back and forth with a spatula or spoon to keep them from burning. 3. 材料表中的克数并不是硬性的,材料的克数出现1-2克的偏差是完全没有问题的。 The number of grams in the recipe table does not have a rigid requirement, and there is no problem with a deviation of one or two grams. 4. 如果不太喜欢红薯泥的口感或是口味的话,可以使用等量的山药或是芋头代替红薯泥,同样的方式制作就行,不过还是强烈推荐红薯泥的,红薯泥和苹果酱之间的搭配真的非常的奇妙和美味。 If you don't like the texture or taste of sweet potato puree, you can use an equivalent amount of yam or taro to replace it. Making it the same way, but sweet potato puree is highly recommended because the combination of sweet potatoes and applesauce is really wonderful and delicious.

菜谱创建时间:2020-12-24 21:49:08