
sourdough bread with amber ale beer

67人浏览 1人做过
作者: Ningg6666
含水量 79%


sourdough bread with amber ale beer的做法步骤

步骤 1

前一天 5g starter +50g water +50g APF

步骤 2

beer里溶解sourdough starter 加入面粉 autolyse 30min 加入盐 蜂蜜 水 squeeze and mix well bulk fermentation 1.5 hr (stretch and fold every 30min) then 1.5-2hr rest

步骤 3

preshape, final shape place the air sealed basket in fridge for 24hr

步骤 4

500F preheat 1hr bake in 500F 25min then 450F 20-25min

菜谱创建时间:2020-12-21 11:59:20