
南瓜豆腐布丁 (Pumpkin Tofu Pudding)

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Pumpkin tofu pudding is a favorite for all ages The pumpkin tofu pudding in this recipe is completely low-fat! No heavy cream, no butter, no high-calorie ingredients! The collision between the sweet pumpkin and the delicate tofu creates the unprecedented mellow and delicate taste between taste buds. The pudding itself is very soft and easy to chew and swallow, so it's perfect for babies. With the addition of nutritious pumpkin and tofu, the pudding is even more suitable for babies to eat. After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this pumpkin tofu pudding. 无论男女老少都喜欢吃的南瓜豆腐布丁来喽~ 这篇食谱中的南瓜豆腐布丁是完全的低脂哒!无奶油、无黄油、无高热量原料! 香甜可口的南瓜与口感细腻的豆腐之间的碰撞创造了味蕾间前所未有的醇香和细腻口感。 布丁本身是非常软,容易咀嚼和吞咽的,所以非常适合作为宝宝辅食。加了有营养的南瓜和豆腐之后的布丁就更加的适合宝宝食用啦~ 学会了记得分享哦!有什么不懂的地方或者是疑问都是非常欢迎大家在评论区询问的,看到了一定及时回复。希望大家喜欢这款南瓜豆腐布丁哦~


南瓜豆腐布丁 (Pumpkin Tofu Pudding)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备所需的工具。Prepare all the tools. 1. 滤网 2. 100ml布丁杯(4个) 3. 烤箱 4. 不锈钢盆 5. 电动打蛋器 6. 手动打蛋器 7. 电子秤 8. 奶锅/不粘锅的锅 1. Sieve 2. 100ml Pudding molds (4 pieces) 3. The oven 4. Stainless steel Basin 5. Electric beater 6. Hand beater 7. Electronic scale 8. A milk pan/non-stick pan

步骤 2

准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。 Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.

步骤 3

将称好的200克去皮南瓜切小块,隔水大火蒸大概15分钟。 Cut the 200g peeled pumpkin into small pieces and steam over high heat for about 15 minutes.

步骤 4

将蒸熟了的南瓜倒入一个无水无油的不锈钢盆中,用电动打蛋机将南瓜打成泥状。注意:蒸好后的南瓜会有很多水,一定要把蒸出来的水倒掉,不然会影响布丁细腻的口感。 Pour the steamed pumpkin into a stainless steel bowl and use an electric beater to puree the pumpkin. Note: There will be a lot of water in the steamed pumpkin. Be sure to pour away the water otherwise it will affect the delicate taste of the pudding.

步骤 5

从打好的南瓜泥中取出1/3的南瓜泥,用于布丁底部的铺垫。分别在4个布丁杯中加入南瓜泥。 Remove 1/3 of the pumpkin puree from the beaten pumpkin puree and use to coat the bottom of the pudding molds. Add the pumpkin puree to each of the 4 pudding cups.

步骤 6
步骤 6

在打好的南瓜泥中加入称好的100克内酯豆腐,并继续用电动打蛋器将豆腐与南瓜泥混合,形成豆腐南瓜泥。新手注意啦!!!这个是一个漫长的过程,打的时候不要急躁,一定要将豆腐泥打至非常的细腻,不然布丁的口感就会有颗粒感。 Add the 100g lactone tofu to the remaining pumpkin puree and continue to mix the tofu with the pumpkin puree using an electric beater to form the pumpkin tofu puree. Novice Attention!! This is a long process, do not be impatient when beating, be sure to beat tofu puree to very fine, otherwise the taste of the pudding will be granular.

步骤 7

在打好的豆腐南瓜泥中加入称好的100ml脱脂牛奶、90克鸡蛋和20克零卡代糖,并搅拌均匀。搅拌的话,比较推荐还是使用电动打蛋器,比较快和方便,大概几秒就行。 Add 100ml of skimmed milk, 90g of eggs and 20g of stevia sugar to the beaten pumpkin puree and mix well. For stirring, it is recommended to use an electric beater, which is fast and convenient, and only takes a few seconds.

步骤 8

将打好的布丁液过滤两次,过滤可以使布丁的口感更加的细腻丝滑。个人推荐还是过滤一下,如果不过滤的话,会导致南瓜的纤维下沉,出现沉淀和分离现象。不过要是喜欢南瓜的纤维感,当然可以选择不过滤的哦~ Filter the pudding mixture twice to make it more delicate and silky. The personal recommendation is to filter, if not filtering, it will cause the pumpkin fiber sink, precipitation and separation phenomenon. But if you like the fiber, you can choose unfiltered pudding mixture.

步骤 9

预热烤箱150度!!!注意注意:一定要预热烤箱,不然受热不均匀的布丁可是一点都不好吃的哦~ Preheat the oven to 150 degrees!! Be sure to preheat the oven, or pudding won't taste good if it's not evenly heated.

步骤 10

分别在四个布丁杯中倒入过滤好的布丁液。 Pour the filtered pudding mixture into each of the four pudding molds.

步骤 11

分别在布丁杯的表面盖上锡纸,以防在烤的过程中,布丁表面变硬结皮。 Cover the sides of the pudding molds with tin foil to prevent the surface of pudding from becoming hard and crusty during baking.

步骤 12

入烤箱喽!!!150度烤30分钟左右。在烤盘中加入1/2的温水。新手注意啦!!!一定要将布丁杯直接放到有温水的烤盘中,不能架任何架子哦~ 建议:烤布丁要用水浴法烤,这样的布丁才可以口感绵密哦~烤好冷却后就可以食用了哦~ Place the molds in the preheated oven and bake 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Add 1/2 of warm water to baking tray. Novice attention!! Be sure to place the pudding molds directly on a baking tray with warm water, not on a rack. Suggestion: Use a "Water bath" for the pudding to give it a nice texture

步骤 13

上成品喽!!! Finally, there is the final product.

步骤 14

这款南瓜豆腐布丁的总热量是251千卡,一共有四分,平均下来一份的热量只有63千卡哟~这算是含有卡路里非常低的一款甜品了。无论男女老少,减肥人士或者是小孩子都是可以吃的哦~好吃还健康,减肥人士一天吃1-2个是完全没有负担的! The total calories of this pumpkin tofu pudding is 251 calories, There are a total of 4 puddings, the average calorie of a pudding is only about 63 calories which is a dessert containing very low calories. Regardless of men and women old and young, dieters or children are able to eat oh ~ It’s really delicious and healthy, dieters eat 1-2 a day is completely without the burden!

步骤 15

这款甜品对糖尿病人特别的友好,一次吃2-3个是完全没有问题的,糖尿病人最好不要加糖了,南瓜本身就有甜味。虽然甜,但这款甜品中的甜味是来自于南瓜本身,这样既能满足口福又不会影响血糖。再者,糖尿病人吃适量的南瓜也是可以帮助控制血糖,南瓜中含有很多纤维素,对患有糖尿病的人的身体是比较有帮助的。 This dessert is particularly friendly to diabetics. There is no problem in eating two or three one day. Diabetics should not add sugar, because the pumpkin itself is sweet. The sweetness of this dessert comes from the pumpkin itself, which satisfies the taste without affecting blood glucose. In addition, diabetics can also help control their blood glucose by eating a moderate amount of pumpkin. Pumpkin contains a lot of fiber, which is relatively helpful to the body of people with diabetes.

南瓜豆腐布丁 (Pumpkin Tofu Pudding)的小贴士

1. 南瓜本身就已经有甜味,所以不喜欢太甜的话,可以选择不加零卡糖保持南瓜原本的滋味。零卡糖加不加,加多少取决于个人需求,并不是硬性规定的。我买的南瓜并不是很甜,所以我适量的加了20克的零卡糖增加甜味。 Pumpkins are inherently sweet, so if you don't like pudding too sweet, you can choose to keep the taste of the pumpkin without stevia. How much stevia is added depends on individual demands which means it is not a rigid requirement. The pumpkin I bought was not very sweet, so I sweetened it with a modest 20g of stevia. 2. 南瓜本身含水量不高,蒸出来很多水是因为在蒸的过程中,容器表面没有盖任何东西,导致水蒸气滴进了装南瓜的容器中。所以如果在蒸的时候,个人建议要在容器上盖一个盖子,或是包一层可以受热的保鲜膜。如果没有的话,就一定要在蒸好后将水倒掉哦~不然很容易破坏原料的比例,影响布丁的口感。 The pumpkin itself is not very watery, so a lot of water comes out because there is nothing on the surface of the container during steaming, causing water vapor to drip into the container where the pumpkin is placed. So when steaming, it is advisable to cover the container with a lid or wrap it in plastic wrap that can be heated. If not, be sure to pour away the water after steaming. Otherwise, it is easy to destroy the proportion of ingredients and affect the taste of the pudding. 3. 这款甜品宝宝也是可以吃的,完全可以作为宝宝辅食,不过用料需要注意。就比如可以将脱脂牛奶换成全脂牛奶或者是高钙奶,因为全脂牛奶或者是高钙奶中含有的矿物质和营养成分都会比脱脂牛奶高。 This dessert can also be served for baby, it can be used as a portion supplementary food for babies, but it really needs to pay attention to the ingredients. For example, you can switch from skimmed milk to whole milk or milk with high calcium content, because both have higher mineral and nutrient content than skimmed milk. 4. 烤箱的温度和烤蛋糕的时间不是固定的的,每个烤箱的“脾气”都是不一样的,温度和时间主要是取决于自家烤箱的温度。 The temperature of the oven and the time of baking the cake are not fixed. The "temper" of each oven is not the same. The temperature and time depend mainly on the temperature of your oven.

菜谱创建时间:2020-10-17 20:39:24