
豆腐奶油可可纸杯蛋糕(Tofu cream cocoa-flavored cupcake)

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The tofu cream cocoa-flavored cupcakes in this recipe are completely low in fat, oil, and sugar! No heavy cream, no butter, no high-calorie ingredients! The cream topping on regular cupcakes has been replaced with low-fat tofu cream, a vegan cream with no dairy added to keep the cupcakes tasty but not fat. After trying, remember sharing! If you don't understand anything or have any questions, you are welcome to ask in the comments section. Hope you enjoy this low calorie, low sugar cocoa cupcake. 这篇食谱中的豆腐奶油可可味纸杯蛋糕是完全的低脂低油低糖哒!无奶油、无黄油、无高热量原料! 原本一般纸杯蛋糕上面的奶油裱花被替换成低脂的豆腐奶油,是一种没有添加任何奶制品的素奶油,好吃不胖哦~ 学会了记得分享哦!有什么不懂的地方或者是疑问都是非常欢迎大家在评论区询问的,看到了一定及时回复。希望大家喜欢这款低卡低糖的豆腐奶油可可味纸杯蛋糕哦~


豆腐奶油可可纸杯蛋糕(Tofu cream cocoa-flavored cupcake)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备好所需的工具。Prepare all the tools. 1. 电动打蛋器—打蛋清 2. 手动打蛋器—打蛋糕液 3. 电子秤 4. 纸杯蛋糕模具(6个装) 5. 圆形纸杯蛋糕托(纸杯) 6. 打蛋盆 & 打蛋清盆(不锈钢) 7. 烤箱 8. 裱花袋+裱花嘴(八齿) 9. 硅胶刮刀 10. 滤网 1. Electric beater - Whisk egg whites 2. Hand beater - whisk cake liquid 3. Electronic scale 4. Cupcake mold (6 containers) 5. Round cupcake paper cup 6. Cake liquid bowl & Egg White bowl (stainless steel) 7. The oven 8. Pastry bag + Nozzle set 9. Silicone spatula 10. Sieve

步骤 2

准备好所有的食材,并按照材料表中所需要的克数来准备相对应的食材。 Prepare all the ingredients and prepare the corresponding ingredients according to the number of grams required in the ingredients list.

步骤 3

在打蛋盆中倒入34克(34毫升)的脱脂牛奶和5克食用油。记得均匀搅拌哦~ Add 34g (34ml) of skimmed milk and 5 grams of edible oil. Mix them.

步骤 4

在搅拌好的溶液中加入称好的18克的低筋面粉和5克的玉米淀粉。玉米淀粉可以使蛋糕更加的柔软和蓬松。 Add 18 grams of cake flour and 5 grams of cornstarch to the mix. Cornstarch makes the cake soft and fluffy.

步骤 5

加入8克的可可粉。⚠️ 新手注意啦!!!在搅拌粉与液体的时候,要用画“一”的方式搅拌至顺滑,没有颗粒物即可。 Add 8 grams of cocoa powder. Novices attention!! When mixing powder and liquid, stirring the batter gently like drawing “一” until smooth and there are no powder particles.

步骤 6
步骤 6

在搅拌好的面糊中加入20克蛋黄液,并搅拌均匀,成丝滑状态。 Add 20 grams of egg yolk to the batter and mix well.

步骤 7

在打发蛋清前,先预热烤箱,预热烤箱150度。 Preheat the oven before whisking the egg whites!! Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.

步骤 8

将称好的48克蛋清倒入一个无水无油,没有任何杂质的不锈钢盆中。并在蛋清中加入1克的柠檬汁,加多了也是没有关系的。柠檬汁可以提升蛋白霜的稳定性,使蛋清更容易被打发,蛋糕的口感也更加的蓬松。如果家里没有柠檬的,也可以加醋。 It is extremely important to pour 48 grams of egg white into a stainless steel basin without water, oil, or any impurities. Add 1 gram of lemon juice to the egg white. It doesn't matter if you add more. Lemon juice improves the stability of the meringue, making the egg whites easier to whip and giving the cake a more fluffy texture. If you don't have lemons at home, you can also add vinegar.

步骤 9

开始打发蛋清啦!!!众所周知,在打发蛋清的时候要加糖,增加蛋白霜的稳定性,糖建议分三次放入,因为这样打出来的蛋白霜会更加的细腻。在蛋清中加入1/3的零卡糖。用电动打蛋器(最大档)打发蛋清至发泡。 Start whisking the egg whites!! Sugar should be added to the egg whites to increase the stability of the meringue. It is recommended to add the sugar in three times, because the meringue will be more delicate and the sugar can be better melted in the meringue during the beating. Add 1/3 of the Stevia sugar to the egg white. Beat egg whites with electric whisk until stiff.

步骤 10

再加入1/3称好的零卡糖,打发至蛋清变得有纹路和细腻时,再加入最后的1/3代糖,将电动打蛋器调至中档,打发至硬性发牌,也就是大概八分的样子,就可以了。 Add another 1/3 of the zero calorie sugar and beat until the egg whites become streaked and delicate. Add the last 1/3 of the sugar, adjust the electric whisk to the middle range, and beat until the hard card is dealt, which is about eight level.

步骤 11

将打发好的1/3蛋白霜跟蛋糕糊搅拌均匀到一起,注意 ⚠️ 一定要顺时针,朝一个方向进行搅拌,因为这样在搅拌的过程中,会产生较少的气泡。建议!最好在搅拌的时候一只手转盆,这样会使蛋糕糊搅拌的更加均匀哦。 Mix the meringue with the cake batter until it is smooth. Make sure to mix clockwise and in one direction because there will be fewer bubbles during the mixing. Advice! It's best to turn the pan with one hand while you're stirring. This will make the batter more evenly mixed.

步骤 12

在均匀搅拌后,将剩下的蛋白霜倒入蛋糕糊中,用同样的方法进行搅拌,如果碰到有块状的蛋白霜,用“切刀法”将蛋白打散。 After stirring evenly, pour the remaining meringue into the cake batter and stir in the same way. If there are any lumps of meringue, use the "knife method" to break up the egg whites.

步骤 13

拿出准备好的纸杯蛋糕模具,并在每一个容器里面都放一个纸杯蛋糕的纸托。 Take out the prepared cupcake molds and place a cupcake tray in each container.

步骤 14

将蛋糕糊装入裱花袋中。 Put the cake batter in a pastry bag.

步骤 15

在裱花袋的头部剪一个小口,不需要太大,以免控制不住力度挤多了。这一步也可以使用勺子完成,不过手残党还是建议用裱花袋。用裱花袋在纸托中挤入大概7-8分满的蛋糕糊,7-8分满的蛋糕糊烤出来的蛋糕表面会较为平整,更加容易裱花。要是想蛋糕表面较为丰满的话,可以挤到9分满。 Cut a small opening on the head of the bag. Use a pastry bag to squeeze cake batter into the tray for 70 or 80% full. The cake will have a smoother surface and be easier to decorate. If you want the cake to have a fuller surface, you can squeeze it until 90% full. Using pasty bag is recommended for beginners, this step can also be done with a spoon.

步骤 16

入烤箱喽!!!将模具放入预热好的烤箱中,150度烤45分钟。 Place the molds in the preheated oven and bake 150 degrees for 45 minutes.

步骤 17

出炉喽!!!!蛋糕表面有少许开裂属于正常现象,不会影响到蛋糕的口感和裱花的。 A little cracking on the surface of the cake is a normal phenomenon, which will not affect the taste and texture of the cake.

步骤 18

从烤箱中取出之后,轻震两下模具,并马上将每个容器中的纸杯蛋糕取出,倒扣放在架子上面放凉。这样可以避免在放凉之后蛋糕出现回缩现象。 Once removed from the oven, lightly shake the molds twice, and immediately remove the cupcakes from each container and place them upside down on a rack to cool. This prevents the cake from shrinking after it cools.

步骤 19

将准备好的300克内酯豆腐切成小块状放入滤网中。⚠️ 新手注意啦!!!最好在滤网下面放一个架子,用于支撑滤网,以防滤网掉落到盆中。 Cut the 300g lactone tofu into small pieces and put them into a sieve. Novice attention!! It is best to put a shelf under the sieve to support the sieve, because it falls into the basin if didn’t put a shelf.

步骤 20

在豆腐上压重物,可以是盆,也可以是其他任何重的东西。放冰箱冷藏两个小时以上出水。豆腐中含有的水分越少,后期做豆腐霜成功的几率就会越大哦~ Press something heavy on the tofu. It can be a bowl or anything heavy. Refrigerate for more than two hours before pouring out of the water. The less water contained in tofu, the greater the chance of success in making tofu cream.

步骤 21

将出完水豆腐倒入一个不锈钢盆中,并用电动打蛋器将豆腐打碎成泥状。当豆腐泥逐渐变得丝滑,没有任何豆腐颗粒后,就可以了。 Pour the tofu into a stainless steel basin without water, oil or any impurities, and use an electric egg whisk to break the tofu into a muddy shape. When the tofu puree becomes smooth without any tofu particles, it is ready.

步骤 22

将准备好的10克吉利丁片放入冷水中泡软,大概需要4-5分钟。⚠️注意:一定要注意吉利丁片在水中软的程度,可能一不小心就泡过头了,这样吉利丁片就化在水中了。 Place the prepared 10g gelatin in cold water and soak until soft, about 4-5 minutes. Caution: Be sure to note how soft the gelatin is in the water. You may accidentally over-soak and the gelatin will melt in the water.

步骤 23

将泡软了的吉利丁片放入碗中隔热水融化。在碗中加入20克零卡糖。在融化的过程中,要用勺子来回搅拌,这样可以加快融化的速度。⚠️注意:水温一定不能太高,大概35-40度左右,太热的水会影响它的凝固力。 Melt the softened gelatin in a bowl with hot water and Add 20g of Stevia sugar. In the process of melting, use a spoon to stir back and forth, this will speed up the melting. Note: The water temperature must not be too high, about 35-40 degrees, too hot water will affect its solidification force.

步骤 24

将融化好的吉利丁液倒入豆腐泥中,用电动打蛋器将吉利丁液跟豆腐泥融合到一起。 Pour the gelatin into the tofu puree and use an electric egg beater to combine the gelatin with the tofu puree.

步骤 25

将豆腐泥倒入一个大碗中,再次隔热水融化,以防豆腐泥中有没融化的吉利丁液。融化时,用硅胶刮刀来回搅拌。感觉没有颗粒物时,就可以了。建议!用滤网滤一遍豆腐泥,以防里面有颗粒物。 Pour the puree into a large bowl and melt over the hot water again to prevent any lingering gelatin in the puree. As it melts, stir it back and forth with a silicone spatula. When it feels like there are no particles, it's ok. Advice! Use a strainer or sieve to filter the tofu to prevent particles.

步骤 26

将豆腐泥倒入一个不锈钢盆中,并在豆腐泥中加入称好的3克红心火龙果,用电动打蛋器进行搅拌。 Pour the tofu puree into a stainless steel basin Add 3 grams of red dragon fruit into the tofu puree and stir with an electric egg beater.

步骤 27

将搅拌好的豆腐霜放入冰箱冷藏30分钟以上,1个小时以下,使豆腐霜凝固。⚠️ 注意!!!冷藏的时间一定不能太长,不然豆腐泥就会变成了豆腐果冻了。 Refrigerate the beaten tofu cream for more than 30 minutes and less than 1 hour to solidify the tofu cream. Pay attention!! Make sure you don't refrigerate it too long, or the puree will turn into tofu jelly.

步骤 28

将豆腐霜装入裱花袋中。 Put the tofu cream into pastry bag. 裱花喽!!!将豆腐霜挤上之前烤好了的纸杯蛋糕。我使用的是八齿裱花嘴。裱花的造型自由发挥哦~ Decorated!! Squeeze the tofu cream onto the previously baked cupcakes. I used an octagonal mouth.

步骤 29

将准备好的芒果切丁,大概100克。用于装饰。 Dice the prepared mango, about 100g. Used for decoration.

步骤 30

上成品喽!!! Finally, there is the final product.

步骤 31

这样一个低糖低油的芒果可可纸杯蛋糕总热量是481千卡,一共6个纸杯蛋糕,平均一个纸杯蛋糕的热量只有大概80千卡哦~对减肥人士是非常友好的,既美味又健康,热量还低。一天吃2-3个完全没有任何负担~ The total calorie of this low sugar low oil mango cocoa flavor cupcakes is 481 calorie. There are a total of 6 cupcakes, the average calorie of a cupcake is only about 80 calories which is very friendly to diet people, both delicious and healthy, low in calories. Eat 2-3 cupcakes a day without any burden at all.

步骤 32

这款纸杯蛋糕不但低卡路里,患有糖尿病的人也是可以吃的哦~由于这款纸杯蛋糕的蛋糕底其实跟一般的可可味戚风蛋糕是一样的,所以在选材上,患有糖尿病的人最好还是更加的注意一点。就比如可以把脱脂奶换成全脂牛奶,经过对比多款牛奶中的成分,发现在全脂奶里面含有的3.4g/ml的碳水化合物,这比其他的奶中含有的大概少1.4g/.ml。⚠️最重要的一点要注意了!!!患有糖尿病的人需要把上面的装饰水果换成像火龙果、苹果之类高纤维,低糖分的水果,芒果中含有的糖分实在是太高了,不适合他们吃。 This cupcake is also friendly for diabetics. Since the cupcakes actually have the same base as a regular cocoa chiffon cake, diabetics should pay more attention to the ingredients. For example, you can replace skimmed milk with whole milk. After comparing the ingredients of different kinds of milk, it was found that whole milk contains 3.4g/ml of carbohydrates, which is about 1.4g/.ml less than other kinds of milk. The most important thing is that people with diabetes need to replace mango to fruit with low sugar such as pitaya and apples, which are high in fiber and low in sugar. The sugar in mango is simply too high for them to eat.

豆腐奶油可可纸杯蛋糕(Tofu cream cocoa-flavored cupcake)的小贴士

1. 这款蛋糕的蛋糕糊会比一般的戚风蛋糕糊要稀,所以当看到那么稀的蛋糕糊之后,千万别再加低筋面粉进已经搅拌好了的蛋糕糊中了,一切都是正常现象。 The cake batter will be thinner than the usual chiffon cake batter, so when you see that thin cake batter, you don't need to add any more cake flour into the batter that has already been mixed. 2. 材料表中的克数并不是硬性的,材料的克数出现1-2克的偏差是完全没有问题的,不过蛋清的克数最好是多或者是刚刚好48克,一定不能少了。红心火龙果的克数一定不能多了,因为水果是有果汁的,也就是水分,一旦豆腐泥中的水分较多,就做不成豆腐霜了。 The number of grams in the recipe table does not have a rigid requirement, and there is no problem with a deviation of one or two grams. However, it is better to have the same number of grams or one or two more grams of egg white, and it should not be less. The grams of red dragon fruit must not be more than the grams in the ingredient table, because the fruit contains juice, which is like water, once the water in the tofu puree is more, the tofu cream is very easy to fail. 3. 这款蛋糕中的豆腐霜使用的是内酯豆腐,做出来的豆腐霜口感会比较细腻和嫩滑,不过失败率是非常高的。一般的老豆腐,或是水豆腐都是可以用来做豆腐霜的,不过一定要先把豆腐蒸熟了,再出水。 The tofu cream in this cake is made with lactone tofu. The resulting tofu cream is delicate and smooth in taste, but the failure rate is very high. General old tofu or water tofu can be used to make tofu cream, but must first steam tofu and make it cooked. 4. 新手注意啦!!!如果是第一次做豆腐霜,建议不要直接将切好的红心火龙果丁加入到豆腐泥中进行打发,最好是在另外一个容器中,将火龙果先打成泥状,再滤掉果汁,只取没有了汁的火龙果泥加入到豆腐泥中进行搅拌,这样会大大增加成功的几率哦~ Beginner Novice!! If you made tofu cream for the first time, it is not recommended to cut directly to the red dragon fruit added into the tofu. It is better to cut in another container and beat it to the dragon fruit puree, filtering out the juice and take not only the pitaya puree added to the tofu for stirring, this will greatly increase the chances of success. 5. 烤箱的温度和烤蛋糕的时间不是固定的的,每个烤箱的“脾气”都是不一样的,温度和时间主要是取决于自家烤箱的温度。 The temperature of the oven and the time of baking the cake are not fixed. The "temper" of each oven is not the same. The temperature and time depend mainly on the temperature of your oven.

菜谱创建时间:2020-10-05 21:47:12