
酒糟毛豆(marinated green soybean)

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作者: 斐常煮妇


酒糟毛豆(marinated green soybean)的做法步骤

步骤 1

先洗净毛豆,用剪刀✂️剪去毛豆的两边,这样做的目的是容易吸收酒糟更入味。 Clean the soybean, use scissors to cut every single two ends.

步骤 2

在水中加入盐、几滴食用油、桂皮和八角烧开,然后放入毛豆,不需加锅盖。 Put the salt and cinnamon stick ,star anise into water . When it’s boiling then put soybean with open lid.

步骤 3

开盖煮约十分钟(不超过十分钟),沥干水,浸入冰水或冷水使其冷却。再次沥干水倒入无水干净的玻璃器皿中,加入酒糟卤浸泡至少两小时。时间越长越入味。间中可以把容器翻个个,这样做确保每颗毛豆都接触到酒糟更入味。 Boiling less than 10 minutes, rinse the soybean and then soak in iced water. Rinse again and put them into Tupperware. Pour down the pickle sauce for 2 hours at least.

步骤 4

放入冰箱冷藏后风味会更好。 keep it in the refrigerator. Put the Tupperware up and down during marination. It will make a better flavoured.

菜谱创建时间:2020-08-11 12:29:30