

754人浏览 22人收藏 0人做过
作者: Jing_7oa9
按照法棍方子转化而来的pizza底。除了整形全程手基本不粘面粉。告别粘糊糊的面团!而且提前做好面团放冰箱可保存5天。做一次5天内随便什么时候想吃就吃!但是风味最好是在第3-5天。每天吃pizza都可以有! 下面方子是做2个9寸薄底披萨的量。



步骤 1

盐和面粉先混合。所有东西放入厨师机低档2分钟。4档15分钟揉出膜。不需要手套膜,但是要出膜!出膜!出膜!重要的事情说三遍!Mix the salt and flour and put everything into stand mixer. Low speed level 2 for 2 min and medium speed level 4 for 15min until gluten develops completely.( this is very important and each stand mixer is different)

步骤 2

用刮刀将面团放入发酵盒,不用揉,直接室温发酵30分钟到2个小时后放入冰箱冷藏12-小时至5天。Use scraper to transfer the dough to box and raise at room temperature for 30min to 2 hours. No need to knead. Put into fridge for 12 hours up to 5days.

步骤 3

想吃的当天取出,室温放置1小时以让面团回温。手上粘干面粉,案板上撒些干粉防粘。将面团分成两份,整理成圆形就好。不需要揉也不许揉!否则面团里的气泡会被破坏。静置松弛30分钟到60分钟。Take out from the fridge. Leave at room temperature for at least 1 hour. Spread a little flour on the table and dust hands with dry flour. Separate the dough into two portion and make it round shape. Don’t knead the dough as it will deflate the bubbles inside. Proof the dough for 30-60min.

步骤 4

锡纸上抹油,拿擀面杖或者徒手飞饼把饼皮擀薄。用敲肉锤敲打均匀。(正宗意大利是用叉子戳洞。我儿子发明的敲肉锤方法我简直惊为天人。在此保留知识产权哈哈哈哈哈哈)Oil the alumin foil. Shape the dough into pizza and using a meat hammer to ban the pizza dough. You can use folk as traditional way....

步骤 5

抹上喜欢的pizza酱奶酪。放入预热250度的烤箱内250度加风扇。6-8分钟。技术重点:烤盘要一起预热,pizza连锡纸直接放在烤盘上!Assemble the pizza as you like. Preheat the oven together with the tray to 250degree. Put the pizza with foil directly onto the heated tray and bake for 6-8 min with conventional fan.May take a little longer depends on the oven.

步骤 6
步骤 6

完美的薄底有嚼劲的意大利那不勒斯式pizza闪亮出炉!闭上眼睛咬一口,妥妥地身在意大利🇮🇹Pretend to be in Italy with this perfect Napoli style pizza! Enjoy!



菜谱创建时间:2020-05-05 16:16:21