电饭锅内胆里加满60度温水。盖内盖开保温档。排气孔里可以插一个温度计。不加亦可。Add full pot of 60 degree water and turn on keep warm of the rice cooker.
牛排提前拿出恢复室温。调味。放入ziplock密封袋。将放了牛排未闭合的密封袋慢慢放入水中,用水的压力压出空气。然后密封。有真空机的小伙伴用真空机就好。Return the beef to room temperature. Season. Put into ziplock bag. Without zipping, slowly put the bag into the water. The water pressure will put out the air in the bag. Then seal the bag. Use the food vacuum machine if you have one.
根据厚度把牛排放在电饭锅里水浴1-2个小时。根据上图脑补一下牛排在电饭锅里的样子。Leave the steak in the rice cooker for 1-2 hours depends on the thickness. The above picture is an image of how the steak looks like in the rice cooker.
最后铸铁锅(平底锅)烧狂热,加黄油。牛排两面各煎30秒出炉。Heat the cask iron( or not) fry pan to very hot. Add butter, fry each side of the steak for 30seconds and serve.