Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. 混合面粉、糖、泡打粉和盐。
Add the butter, mix them until combined. 加入黄油,搅拌直到混合均匀。
Add the cream and one egg, mix just until the dough comes together. 加入淡奶油和一个鸡蛋,搅拌直到完全混合成一个面团。
Divide the dough into pieces, flatten each portion into a cake ring mold, Remove the ring and cut the circle into eight wedges. 将面团分成小块,将每一块压平再用蛋糕圈进行模压,取下圆环,切成八块。
Brush with the egg wash. 刷上蛋液。
Preheat the oven to 180℃ before baking, bake at 180℃ in a convection oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown and baked through. 预热烤箱至180度,对流烘烤20分钟或者烤至完全金黄。
Done. 好咯。
Take a photo. 合照。
From: <113 面包甜点丨烘焙食谱丨Advanced Bread and Pastry> Chapter 11丨 Page 469