Prepare for the ingredients. 称好原料备用。
Combine the milk, dry yeast, sugar, and half egg; stir until the sugar is completely dissolved; reserve. 牛奶、干酵母、糖、半个鸡蛋混合,搅拌至糖溶解备用。
Combine the flour, salt, and butter in a mixing bowl; knead into a coarse powder. 面粉、盐、黄油混合均匀,搓成粗粉状即可。
Add the liquid ingredients; mix to incorporation. 倒入液体混合物,用手揉成团。
Add the currants; and mix to distribute evenly;set aside to fermentation (1hour). 加入葡萄干混合均匀,盖上保鲜膜发酵1小时。
Flatten the dough. 将面团压扁。
Cut out shapes as desired; brush lightly with remaining egg wash. 切成想要的形状,在表面刷上剩余的蛋黄液。
Bake at 180C in a oven for about 15 to 17 minutes or until golden brown. 放入预热好上下火180度的烤箱,烤15-17分钟直到表面金黄。
Ding!Made it. 叮!出炉摆盘拍照片。
Tips: The butter scone can store well in the refrigerator for up to 18 hours or in the freezer well-wrapped for up to a week. REFERENCE: Page 470 (Chapter 11) of Textbook 113 Advanced Bread and Pastry. 黄油司康可在冰箱中储存18小时,若包装好甚至可冷藏长达一周。 参考《113 面包甜点|烘焙食谱》470页,第十一章。