
香到没朋友叫花鸡 begger’s chicken

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作者: Jing_7oa9


香到没朋友叫花鸡 begger’s chicken的做法步骤

步骤 1

鸡洗干净用三勺盐抹匀放冰箱腌制一天。 salt the cleaned chicken and fridge for 1 day.

步骤 2

锅里放油葱姜爆香,加香菇咸肉再加事先泡过的糯米炒5分钟至糯米半熟。 Put oil in the pot, add ginger and spring onion, fry until fragrant. Add mushroom, salted pork stir fry, then add presoaked sweet rice. Fry for 5 min until rice is half cooked.

步骤 3

腌好的鸡冲水擦干。鸡身上撒五香粉。将炒好的糯米填入鸡肚子。Wash the salted chicken. Pat fry. Sprinkle five spice. Stuff the sweet rice inside the chicken.

步骤 4

将鸡用线扎起,鸡身抹油。用荷叶包起。Fix the chicken using strings. Apply oil on the skin. Then wrap with lotus leave.

步骤 5

荷叶外包一层煮食纸。用绳扎紧。Wrap cooking paper outside of the lotus leaf and fix with strings.

步骤 6
步骤 6

面粉加水擀成面皮。包在鸡外面。封口。不能留任何空隙。忘拍照了😭 Add water into flour form a dough. Flattened the dough to a piece and wrap the chicken. Very important: should be completely sealed. Sorry that I forgot to take picture.

步骤 7

因为最近面粉是奢侈品,我今天用了粘米粉做壳。粘米粉吸水性较强容易变软。我外面加了层锡纸。用面粉的朋友不需要。 I used rice flour instead of regular wheat flour. Since it is very soft, I wrapped it with aluminum foil. No need for wheat flour.

步骤 8

烤箱200度30分钟。180度60分钟。140度30分钟。 Bake at 200C for 30min, then lower to 180C for 60min. Then 140C for 30min.

步骤 9

上桌打开开吃。香的没朋友。Open the outside and serve.

步骤 10

里面的糯米饭也超级好吃。 The stuffing is really good too.

香到没朋友叫花鸡 begger’s chicken的小贴士

五香粉加不加都可以。按口味自便。糯米饭填充也是可加可不加。正宗的叫花鸡是不加的。我懒加了就省的煮米饭了。面皮最方便用面粉。用米粉其实挺麻烦的。用泥巴也可以哈哈哈哈。 Five spice and stuffings are not necessary. Adjust according to your preference. For outside wrap, best use regular wheat flour. Rice flour is quite troublesome and of course you can use mud as the original recipe.

菜谱创建时间:2020-04-11 01:07:14