

243人浏览 2人收藏 0人做过
作者: Jing_7oa9
在香港吃不到煎饼果子。相思怎么解决?唯有训练工人已😂这个方子简单利用了身边可以买到的 材料快手做出你想念的早餐。划重点:早餐!清早可以吃啊!感动吗😹



步骤 1

馄饨皮里面划两刀。锅里倒炸油,烧至中热,放入馄饨皮炸至金黄。捞出沥油。 Insert two cuts in the dumpling skin. Warm the oil to medium heat and fry the dumpling skin to crispy.

步骤 2

碗里放入面糊调料搅匀至光滑面糊。 Mix the ingredients for the batter to a smooth paste.

步骤 3

平底锅抹油,小火。放一小勺面糊用小棍摊平,敲入一个鸡蛋,打散划开,撒葱花芝麻。待鸡蛋凝结时翻面。 Lightly oil the fry pan. Put on low heat. Put a spoonful of batter onto the pan and flatten it into a crepe. Crack an egg on top of the crepe and sprinkle with spring onion and sesame seeds if desired.Flip the crepe when egg starts to harden.

步骤 4

反面抹上海鲜酱,辣椒酱(按喜好)。中间放上三片薄脆,用薄饼包起,出炉开吃。 Put hoi sing sauce on the other side of crepe after flip. Add chili sauce if desired. Add three slice of fried dumpling skin in the middle. Wrap and serve.

菜谱创建时间:2020-04-09 01:20:00