
❗️无需烤箱✅酸奶慕斯蛋糕 (0失敗)(不用奶油)

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作者: ZengZL


❗️无需烤箱✅酸奶慕斯蛋糕 (0失敗)(不用奶油)的做法步骤

步骤 1

准备你想要的饼干。 Prepare the cookies you want.

步骤 2

把它放进袋子里面捏碎。 Put it in a bag and crush it.

步骤 3

杆成粉状,但也不要太碎。 The rods should be powdery, but not too brittle.

步骤 4

把牛油隔水融化。 Melt the butter in the water.

步骤 5

牛油融化之后。倒入饼干里面混合在一起。 After the butter has melted. Pour into the cookies and mix.

步骤 6
步骤 6

把饼干压平后放进冷藏箱冷藏一会。 Flatten the cookies and refrigerate them in the freezer for a while.

步骤 7

然后准备鱼胶粉或是吉利粉。牛奶砂糖酸奶。Then prepare gelatine powder with milk and granulated sugar and yogurt.

步骤 8

小火把225毫升的牛奶和鱼胶粉混合然后煮到差不多混合成功的时候,加砂糖搅拌。 Mix 225ml of milk and gelatine over a small heat and cook until almost done. Add sugar and stir.

步骤 9

搅拌完后关火,把酸奶倒进去搅拌。 After stirring, turn off the heat and pour in the yogurt.

步骤 10

然后放一边放凉。 Then set aside to cool.

步骤 11

然后把冷藏后的饼干拿出来,把液体倒下去。Then take out the frozen cookies and pour the liquid down.

步骤 12

最后放进冰箱冷冻4小时。 Refrigerate for 4 hours.

步骤 13

最后就可以完成又绵密,又有牛奶香的又简单的蛋糕。 The result is a simple cake that is dense and creamy.

❗️无需烤箱✅酸奶慕斯蛋糕 (0失敗)(不用奶油)的小贴士

要注意把鱼胶粉与牛奶搅拌均匀。Be sure to mix the gelatine powder well with the milk. 记得最后一步是冷冻不是冷藏哦。Remember that the last step is freezing, not refrigeration.

菜谱创建时间:2020-03-10 17:21:03