排骨洗净后拿酱油料酒姜腌好放入冰箱。Marinate the ribs using soy sauce, cooking wine and ginger and put into fridge.
2小时后取出。这次用的在四川美眉开的菜篮子买的蒸肉米粉。Take out the ribs after 2 hours. This time we use a pack of ready-to-make rice flour.
米粉直接倒入排骨中。Pull the rice flour into ribs.
搅拌均匀。Mix well.
土豆切块码在碗底。Cut the potatoes into blocks and put in a bowl.
将排骨均匀铺在土豆上。Put mixed ribs on top of the potatoes.
上笼蒸一个小时以上。Steam for over one hour.
撒上葱花上桌。Top with spring onion and serve.