
脆皮烤鸡腿Crispy Roasted Chicken Legs

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作者: GaJoS


脆皮烤鸡腿Crispy Roasted Chicken Legs的做法步骤

步骤 1

鸡腿洗净,用叉子在鸡腿上插一些小孔,以便腌制入味。Wash the chicken legs, then make some small holes in the chicken legs with a fork before salt them.

步骤 2

将调料(姜蓉、蚝油、生抽、黑胡椒)混合,同鸡腿一起放在密封盒里(确保每根鸡腿都均匀沾满了调料),放入冰箱冷藏一晚上(至少六小时)。Mix the seasonings (ginger pieces, oyster sauce, thin soy sauce, black pepper), put them in a sealed box together with chicken legs (make sure that each chicken leg is covered with seasonings), and refrigerate for one night(at least 6 hrs).

步骤 3

准备三个碗,依次放好面粉、打好的鸡蛋液、脆皮料(压碎的薯片与面包糠混合均匀)。Prepare three bowls, for putting flour, stirred egg liquid and crispy materials(mix the crushed chips and breadcrumbs evenly).

步骤 4

取一个腌制好的鸡腿,先在面粉里滚一下,使鸡腿表面均匀沾上面粉,再抖掉多余的面粉。然后再把鸡腿放在鸡蛋液里滚一下,使鸡腿表面均匀沾上蛋液。最后把鸡腿放在脆皮料里滚一下,始终让表皮沾料保持均匀。1、Take one well salted chicken leg, roll it in the flour first, make the surface of the chicken leg evenly stained with flour, and then shake off the excess flour. 2、 Then roll the chicken leg in the stirred egg liquid. 3、Roll the chicken leg in the crispy materials. Keep the surface evenly covered.

步骤 5

准备烤盘,铺上锡纸,给锡纸刷一层油(橄榄油或其他),把准备好的鸡腿放在锡纸上,给鸡腿刷上油。注意,不需要用锡纸包裹鸡腿。依次完成所有的鸡腿。Prepare the baking tray, put tinfoil on the tray, brush the tinfoil with oil (olive oil or others are all fine), put the prepared chicken leg on the tinfoil, and brush the chicken leg with oil too. (Please NOTE that chicken legs do not need to be wrapped). Finish all the chickenlegs in turn.

步骤 6
步骤 6

烤箱预热200度,烤盘放在中层,烤40分钟左右,如果鸡腿比较大请适当延长时间。Preheat the oven 200 degrees, then place the baking tray in the middle layer, around 40 minutes. If the chicken legs are bigger, please extend the cooking time bit by bit properly.

步骤 7

蘸料:蕃茄酱、黄芥末酱、蛋黄酱。Sauce—ketchup, yellow mustard, mayonnaise

步骤 8


菜谱创建时间:2020-03-02 17:29:00