[A]猪肉基底馅:独头蒜、大葱切丁,和猪肉基底馅的所有配料混合,顺时针搅拌500圈左右到黏稠。 [A]Pork Filling Basic:Chop garlic and green onion to small dices and mix with all ingredients in "Pork Filling Basic", use chopsticks to stir clockwise for around 500 rounds till the filling is sticky as glue.
[B]虾仁猪肉基底馅:珍珠虾仁个头较小,每个虾仁一切为二,这样保证每颗饺子都能吃到完整的虾仁;黑虎虾个头较大,直接拍成虾泥(用刀或盐罐罐底均可)。和三分之二的[A]混合。 [B]Pork+Shrimp Basic:Cut each pearl shrimp to 2 pieces in the middle, and squash black tiger shrimp to shrimp mash (either with knife or bottom of cans). Mix and stir with 2/3 of [A].
[B1]韭黄虾仁猪肉:韭黄切成0.5厘米左右的小段,和一半的[B]混合。 [B1]Chives+Pork+Shrimp:Chop chives to 0.5cm pieces and mix with half of [B].
[B2]玉米虾仁猪肉:沥干玉米罐头里的水,将玉米粒和另外一半的[B]混合。[B2]Corn+Pork+Shrimp:Drain off water in Corn can, and mix corns with another half of [B].
[C]酸菜猪肉:沥干酸菜里的水,切成0.5厘米的小丁,和剩下三分之一的[A]混合。 [C]Pickled Cabbage - Pork:Drain off water in pickled cabbage, and chop it to 0.5cm pieces. Mix with the other 1/3 of [A].
试味:把[B1]、[B2]、[C]各取一小份团成团,放入平底锅煎熟,味道比平常咸一点点即可,否则加盐到合适的程度。 Flavor testing: Make a small sample of [B1]、[B2]、[C] to meatball and pan fry and then have a try. If it's a little bit salty than normal, it's done, otherwise put more salt to appropriate level.
Make dumplings!(dumpling wrapper can be bought from HeMa)