
三色藜麦南瓜饭Steamed Pumpkin Bowl with Quinoa

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作者: GaJoS


三色藜麦南瓜饭Steamed Pumpkin Bowl with Quinoa的做法步骤

步骤 1

贝贝南瓜两个,洗净外表。藜麦100克,装入碗中,碗中放入没过藜麦一指左右的清水。把南瓜和藜麦放入锅中,大火蒸20-25分钟。Two Beibei pumpkins, 100 grams of quinoa put in a bowl. Put water into the bowl cover the quinoa .Place pumpkins and quinoa in a pot and steam over high heat for 20-25 minutes.

步骤 2

取出贝贝南瓜,放至稍凉。1/3出切开,用勺子轻轻挖出南瓜籽和瓤丢掉。After steamed, remove pumpkins and cool it slightly. Cut pumpkins at their upper 1/3 part, and gently dig out pumpkin seeds and pulps with a spoon.

步骤 3

炒锅放少许橄榄油,将蒸熟的藜麦倒入。放南瓜仁煸炒香。放黑胡椒粉和盐,翻炒均匀,关火。盛入贝贝南瓜里。Put a little olive oil in the frying pan and pour in the steamed quinoa. Stir-fry pumpkin seeds. Add black pepper and salt, stir-fry them well, turn off the fire. Put into pumpkins .

步骤 4

南瓜碗可以一起吃掉哦!Enjoy! Pumpkin bowls can be eaten up together!

菜谱创建时间:2019-09-29 06:41:18