
西班牙美食大蒜鸡Spanish Garlic Chicken

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作者: GaJoS
食谱来自一位叫‘班长在打怪’的美女。昨晚亲手做了这道酸酸甜甜好吃的令人惊异的西班牙料理,分享给大家❤️ 挥发酒精后的白葡萄酒剩下其独特的微微酸甜的和欧芹的清香交融,鼻子闻到先要感动得哭泣,法棍蘸上由大蒜熬出的蒜油和酒煮出的白汁,脆脆的表皮和沁透肉汁的部分瞬间让你的味蕾决堤一发不可收拾,这道开胃又不觉油腻的大蒜鸡,绝对是肉食者的盛宴。(流口水……)


西班牙美食大蒜鸡Spanish Garlic Chicken的做法步骤

步骤 1

大鸡腿洗净切成大块,撒上适量的盐和黑胡椒后拌匀放一旁腌入味;Wash and cut the chicken legs into large pieces, sprinkle salt and black pepper, mix them well and put aside to marinate.

步骤 2

香菜切碎,大蒜剥皮就好了,整颗整颗的蒜米备好。Cut the coriander, peel the garlic.

步骤 3

锅里倒入油,加热后倒入剥好的大蒜,慢慢炸至表面金黄后捞出,蒜油留在锅里;Pour oil into the pan, heat it and pour in the peeled garlic.Slowly fry them until golden color appears on the surface. Remove the garlic ,and leave the ‘garlic oil ‘ in the pan.

步骤 4

慢慢放入腌好的鸡肉,煎至两面的表皮呈金黄色;Slowly add the salted chicken pieces into the pan and fry until golden color appears on both sides of each piece.

步骤 5

倒入炸过的大蒜和一半香菜,与鸡肉一起翻炒一会;Pour in fried garlic and half of the coriander, and stir-fry them with chicken for a while.

步骤 6
步骤 6

倒入适量白葡萄酒,大火将酒精挥发掉,然后再次倒入白葡萄酒至没过鸡肉,盖上锅盖,煮8-10分钟 。Pour in few white wine, volatilize alcohol in high heat, then pour white wine into chicken again until the liquid covers chicken. Then cover the pot, and cook for 8-10 minutes.

步骤 7

尝下味道,可再适量加点盐拌匀(看个人咸淡口味!),最后倒入剩下的香菜就可以出锅啦Taste ,then add some salt and mix well . The last step——pour the other half of coriander into the pot. Enjoy it!

步骤 8

搭配法棍简直是绝配啦!这里我用另一个方子做了蒜香烤法棍,蘸上菜汁...emmmmmm.... It's a perfect match with a 🥖 ! Here I made a garlic-flavored roasted Baguette , and dipped it in the chicken soup... Emmmm..❤️

菜谱创建时间:2019-09-28 08:28:34