
椰奶布丁Coconut Pudding

715人浏览 15人收藏 0人做过
作者: GaJoS
超好做,但等待时间较久的一道甜品。:) Coconut pudding is super easy to prepare, but it takes time to get ready and be served:)


椰奶布丁Coconut Pudding的做法步骤

步骤 1

把吉利丁片泡入冷水中15分钟,泡软后捞出,挤干水分备用。Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water for 15 minutes, till they get soft, remove and squeeze them to reduce water. Set aside to get ready.

步骤 2

把牛奶装进较大的容器内,加入淡奶油、椰浆、绵白糖拌匀。Put the milk in a larger container. Add the light cream, coconut milk and soft sugar and mix well.

步骤 3

把容器放入锅内,锅内加水。加热至糖化。此时混合液体的温度约为50度左右。Put the container into pot and add water. Heat it untill the sugar melted . At this time, the temperature of the mixed liquid is about 50 degrees.

步骤 4

放入泡好的吉利丁片,搅拌至其溶化,关火。Put in the soaked gelatin tablets and stir until they dissolve. Turn off the heat.

步骤 5

待椰奶液放凉后倒入容器,放入冰箱冷藏至凝固(约4-5小时)。When the liquid is cooled, pour it into a container and refrigerate it until it solidifies (about 4-5 hours).

步骤 6
步骤 6

取出,表面撒一层椰蓉,加少许薄荷叶和蓝莓装饰,依个人喜好滴少许糖浆。Take out and sprinkle a layer of shredded coconut stuffing on the surface. Decorate with a mint leaves and blueberries. Adda little syrup according to your preference. Enjoy!❤️

步骤 7


菜谱创建时间:2019-09-25 14:45:11