
开口笑Kaikouxiao红枣糯米糖桂花Steamed Jojobe with Sticky Rice Powder

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作者: GaJoS
最近刚刚尝试做菜,综合了几个达人的做法后提炼一下最简要的介绍哈哈,重点是非常好吃,深得老外朋友喜爱呀:)感觉自己又架了一道小小的文化桥梁——通过味蕾,并且把它写下来,记录和分享❤️ Recently, I have just tried to cook. After synthesizing the practices of several accomplished people, I have refined the most brief introduction of this chinese dessert:) Haha.!The point is that it is very DELICIOUS and even loved by foreigners:) I feel that I have built a small cultural bridge ,again, through the taste bud,:) and I’ll write it down. For recording and sharing.


开口笑Kaikouxiao红枣糯米糖桂花Steamed Jojobe with Sticky Rice Powder的做法步骤

步骤 1

新疆灰枣,切开一半,去核。冷水浸泡一会。Wash several Xinjiang jujubes , cut them half-opened , remove the date stones. Soak in cold water for a few minutes.

步骤 2

糯米粉数克加冷水揉成面团。Put glutinous flour into big bowl, add cold water, combine them to form a dough.

步骤 3

面团分成小块揉成长形,夹入枣中。Make the dough into small long-round-shaped pieces, then put them into jorobes’ cuts.

步骤 4

夹好后放入容器(这里我用了瓷碗),锅中放水,容器入锅,大火蒸10分钟取出。图为蒸好后的样子。Put jojobes into a container (I used a porcelain bowl), put water in a pot, then place the container into the pot, close lid,steam it over high heat for 10 minutes and take it out. The picture shows what it looks like after steaming.

步骤 5

装盘,淋糖桂花,薄荷叶少许装饰。可以开吃啦!:)Pack on plate, put a little sweet-scented osmanthus sauce on jojobes. Few mint leaves for decoration. Emmmm!It's ready to eat now! ❤️

步骤 6
步骤 6


开口笑Kaikouxiao红枣糯米糖桂花Steamed Jojobe with Sticky Rice Powder的小贴士

考虑到这道菜作为甜品出现,在量的选择上我取了少许,最终选了16颗枣,寓意一切顺利!:)16 dates, implying that everything goes smoothly! :)

菜谱创建时间:2019-09-25 13:18:05