煮溏心蛋:锅中加凉水,放入2个鸡蛋,加一点点盐(为了好脱壳),盖上盖子,中火煮沸关火,2分钟后取出,放入凉水中备用,或参考煮蛋神器确定煮制时间(推荐一款煮蛋辅助器-如图,可根据神器上显示的状态判断鸡蛋的状态)Boil egg: Set a pot,add some cold water,2 eggs,and a pinch of salt to help remove the egg shells.turn the heat to medium heat,cook until boiled,turn off the heat,wait 2 mitnues then switch the eggs into cold or ice water,set aside.
准备一个小碗,牛油果取出果肉加入小碗,加入腰果,捣碎,加入盐和黑胡椒,搅拌均匀至牛油果成泥状,备用 Set a small bowl,add avocado,cashew,1/2teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper,well mix and set aside.
烤两片吐司或任何原味面包,将牛油果酱涂上去Toast 2 slice of bread,put the avocado mixuture on the bread
煮好的溏心蛋去壳放在牛油果酱上即可,搭配一杯热拿铁,少满足 Remove the egg shells carefully and put the egg on the avocado bread then it's done.enjoy a simple and tasty avocado toast with a cup of hot latte and Bon Appetit!